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Nancy and Robin have been dating for 5 months, almost 6. Yet they've managed to keep it a secret. Not even Steve or Mike knew! Today Robin was finally coming back from her trip abroad, she'd been able to travel for one of her language's she'd been majoring in. She'd been gone for 2 whole months, 2 months! Nancy couldn't wait to meet her at the airport today. Sure, she'd sent her letters and mixtapes through the mail and called her nearly everyday, but she still missed her. Today she, and everyone else were going to meet Robin at the airport. Nancy, Steve, Johnathan, Max, Jane, Mike, Will, Dustin, Lucas and even Erica. Steve held up a big sign that read "Robin!!" on it and was coated in all sorts of little drawings. You'd definitely be able to spot it, even in an airport filled with people. After waiting for a while Steve waved and Max jumped up and down, motioning for Robin to come their direction. "Robin" Nancy shouted. "Nancy!" Robin exclaimed. She ran toward her, dropping her luggage halfway and jumped onto her. She wrapped her arms and legs around Nancy, practically suffocating her. "I missed you so much" she whispers, tears dripping down her face like a waterfall. "I missed you too" Nancy replied, tears staining her cheeks. She cupped Robins face and smothered her in kisses. When she pulled away she noticed everyone was staring at them awkwardly. "Care to explain what's going on here" Steve asked, obviously frustrated that Robin never told him about her and Nancy's relationship. "Oh yeah. We're dating. Surprise" she replied nonchalantly. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god" Max shouted, jumping up and down. She shoved through everyone to hug Robin. "I'm so happy you're back! Oh and I knew it!" she smirked. "Knew it?" Robin questioned. "Yeah. I could tell you had a thing for Nancy" she laughed. Robin just smiled at her awkwardly. "Okay, okay. Enough. Let me see her" Steve grumbled frustratedly. He engulfed her in the biggest bear hug ever. "I missed you" he whispered. "I missed you too Stevie boy" she teased, earning an elbow from him. After everyone else greeted her, they helped bring her stuff to the car. "I'm starving" Mike complained. "We should go out for lunch" Will suggested. "I agree" Jane added. "I like that idea" Dustin shared. "Alright, we'll stop somewhere for lunch" Steve sighed. They all unpiled from the car and onto the sidewalk to the local family restaurant. Once everyone was finished Nancy announced that she'd be taking Robin home. Little to everyone else's knowledge the two girls were actually living together. They had rented an apartment and have been living together for the past 4 months. Everyone thought they'd just moved to live in college dorms. Wrong. "It's so nice to have you back" Nancy remarked, placing her hand on Robins thigh. Robin smiled, a dark coat of crimson red painting her face. "I'm glad to be back" she replied, intertwining her hand with Nancy's. When they finally arrived at their house Nancy helped Robin put all her stuff away. "God, I'm so tired" Robin mumbled, plopping onto their shared bed. "I'll bet. That's okay, we can cuddle if you want" Nancy answered, laying down next to Robin. "Yeah. I'd like that". "Good". Nancy wrapped an arm around Robins side, the other playing with her hair. She doused her head in kisses. "You really did miss me huh" Robin teased. "Oh you know I did". Eventually they fell asleep in each others arms. The next morning Robin woke up early, eger to get to work. Even though she would never admit she missed spending hours on end with Steve, complaining about any and everything. "Morning love. I have to go to work. I love you" Robin whispered, and kissed Nancy's forehead. "Aww no. I just got you back, don't leave again" she pouted. "I know, but I have to go to work. I'll take you on a date after okay?". "Fineee. But you gotta give me another kiss before you leave" she mumbled. "I'd be happy too" Robin replied, leaning down to plant a kiss on Nancy's lips. "I'm leaving for real now. I love you" she shouted. "Love you more" Nancy yelled. Robin smiled back at her and waved before walking out to her car. "Hey Steve" she greeted as she walked inside the family video store. "Hi Robs" he waved at her, looking up from the pile of tapes he was stacking. "Hey so uh, can I talk to you about something" she asked, catching Steve's attention. "Yeah, hit me". Robin sucked in a deep breath before saying "So you know how me and Nancy's 6 month anniversary is in 2 days". "Well I do now, what about it" Steve questioned. "Well um. I was thinking of getting her a promise ring.." Robin trained off. "Oh. You should. I mean I don't really know what it is but it sounds romantic" Steve said, shrugging. "It's basically a ring that symbolizes commitment to our relationship. I love her and I want to show it. Always". "Rob, I'm sure she'd love it". Robin took a second to think. "Yeah. You're probably right". When her shift was over she went to the jewelry store. She wanted to pick the perfect ring for Nancy. She settled on a silver ring, with a heart shape in the center. It had a blue diamond. "Thank you" she smiled as she paired for it and left. "Hey Nance, I'm home" she shouted when she opened the door. "Rob!" she yelled, running to her girlfriend. Before Robin could even take off her shoes and settle down, Nancy wrapped her in a hug. "I love you" she said, voice muffled by Robins shirt. "I love you to mi amor" Robin responded. Nancy loved when Robin spoke to her in other languages. "Should I make good on that promise I made this morning" Robin smirked. "Yes, you should" Nancy gigged before she kissed Robins neck. "Okay, okay. Wait for later. Let's go" Robin winked. "Fineee" Nancy groaned. They settled on eating at an Italian restaurant. When they finished Robin took Nancy on a walk though a near by forest. "What're we doing" the shorter girl asked as Robin took her hand in her own and led her through the thick vegetation. "You'll see". Robin led her to a small spot under a willow tree. It had a perfect view of a pretty little stream of water. "Oh my god! Robin this is beautiful". "Not as beautiful as you" she smirked. "God, you are such a flirt" the curly haired girl laughed, playfully slapping Robins arm. "Ow" she pouted. "Sorry. Here lemme help" Nancy said, kissing the spot she hit Robin. Nancy planted kisses up and down Robin arm. She went from her wrist to her neck, sucking hickeys into it. "I love you" she whispered as she pulled away. "I love you so much Nance" Robin smiled, pulling the smaller girl onto her. She grabbed her face and kissed her. From there they made out. After making out and kissing for the next 30 minutes it started to get dark. They decided it'd be best to go home. When they got home they headed up stairs. Robin went to her closet, grabbing a pair of sweatpants and a baggy sweater. She started to remove her shirt and noticed Nancy was staring. "Take a picture it'll last longer" Robin teased as she pulled on her pajama pants. "Oh fuck you" Nancy joked. "You want to. You're so desperate. Come here" Robin chuckled. She grabbed Nancy's shoulders and pushed her onto the bed. She kissed her roughly and took off the smaller girls shirt, leaving them both in their bras. You can guess where it went from there. An hour later they actually put their pajamas on and went to bed. Two days later it was finally their anniversary. "Morning love" Robin whispered softly, kisses her girlfriends head. "Mm morning" Nancy replied in a groggy tone. "Do you know what today is". "Tuesday?" she joked. There was a beat of silence before the shorter girl said "Just kidding. I know what today is. Our half a year anniversary" she smiled. "Yeah. You had me worried for a second there Nance" she laughed. "Sorry love" she responded, kissing Robins forehead. "As much as I hate to do this I do have to go to work. But I promise I'll spend the whole night with you. I don't have work tomorrow" she said, winking. "Aww boo" Nancy pouted. "I know, I know. Well, I outta get going. I love you" she said, kissing her once more. After about 7 hours Robins shift was finally over. "Nance! I'm home!" Robin shouted. She waited a few minutes, yet no response. "Nance?" she asked, walking around the house, looking for her. "In here" Nancy yelled from the other room. Robin entered and looked around, her jaw dropping and heart warming. "I know it's not much, but I wanted to make this special" Nancy murmured. She decorated the room with dimly lit candles and cheesy Valentine's Day decorations. "No no! It's perfect. Thank you love" Robin exclaimed. Nancy patted the spot on the couch next to her, beckoning Robin to sit down. "So, I thought we could cuddle and eat dinner well watching movies. Than maybe have a few makeout sessions, possibly more" Nancy suggested. "That sounds lovely. Oh and that reminds me. I have something for you. "Oh me too!" "You go first" Nancy answered. "No you" Robin insisted. "Okay fine. But it's kind of stupid." "Nance, I'm sure I'll love it. Besides you already gave me the best gift ever. The gift of being your girlfriend". Nancy smiled as she handed Robin the gift. She unwrapped it to reveal a framed scrapbook page. It was filed with pictures of them, cute little notes Nancy wrote and stickers. "Oh my god! Nancy I love it" she exclaimed. She leaned forwards and hugged Nancy. "You're turn now" Robin smiled. She handed Nancy a small box. "Oh my god Robin" she said, completely shocked. "It's a promise ring. Like a commitment to our relationship. I have one too. Um but before I put it on I have to make my promise. Ahem. Nancy Wheeler. I promise to love you for the rest of my life. I promise it'll be you and me always forever. And finally, I promise this won't be the last ring I put on you finger" Robin said as she put on the ring. A tear fell form the Wheeler girls cheek as a reaction to Robins heartfelt message. "Oh my god. Robin. I love you so much. I promise to love you till the day I die. You'll always be mine" Nancy cried as she slipped the ring onto her finger. "I love you Nancy Wheeler" "Oh full naming me are you? I guess this is serious. I love you Robin Buckley". "I love you more my pretty girl" Robin replied smugly. "God Robin. I swear you are going to be the death of me" Nancy groaned. "Good, than you'll die happy" she laughed. "You know it" she replied . "Don't forget. I never break a promise" Robin smiled.

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