Background info

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After the war and your graduation you and Neville got married and now live in a cozy cottage one of your closest friends made the two of you as a wedding gift, you and Neville insisted it was too much but your friend said "I already spent a shit tone of time and money on this you have no choice to except it.

Neville works as a Herbology professor at hogwarts and you work as a nurse at St Mungos Hospital, the two of you live with your two children Frank and Alice Longbottom and Augusta Longbottom, Neville's grandma and you often visit your father and write to your older sister Luna.

You were 18 you married Neville and he was 20, some ladies at work judge you for marrying so young but your response is always "Just because your marriage didn't work out when you married at 25 doesn't mean mine will since I married at 18" (let's be honest we'll marry Neville at any age)

I hope you enjoy this story it's my first wattpad and let me know if you want a hogwarts Neville and Sunny love story.

Word count:194

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