My darling Frank

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Sunny POV

I heard crying in the middle of the night and got ready to grab Frank but Neville stopped me. "Rest dear I got him." He said rushing to grab him. "He really likes attention doesn't he." Neville said while rocking him. "He knows he's the star of the show." I said laying back down.

"I'm glad we don't work for a bit if I did go to work I would've fallen asleep during class." Neville said putting Frank back to bed. "I love Frank but I'm going to look like a rat in 2 weeks max." I said while under the blanket. "That makes 2 of us then." Neville said laying back down in bed.

The next day

Knock knock BANG BANG!! We heard from the door. "I'M COMING SHEESH!!" I yelled trying to figure out who was banging on my door at 6:00 am. I opened the door and was greeted by Luna pushing me aside yelling. "WHERE'S THE BABY?!" She ran towards Neville who was holding Frank and snatched Frank from his arms. "Awww he's like a mini Neville with blonde hair." She said spinning him around. "Luna say hello to your sister that was rude." Rolf said walking in with a gift. "Hi Sunny hi Neville we got a gift for you three." He said setting it down on the table. "Awww my first grandson!" Dad cheered walking towards Luna and Frank.

"I feel very unloved by my own blood." I said staring at my family who completely ignored me and ran straight towards my son. "Oh my dear family but the first grandchild is born." Dad said holding Frank. "You are a cutie pie aren't you little one, I'm you grandpapi Xenophilius." he said sitting down with Frank. "He's darling isn't he?" I said while holding Neville's arm. "He truly is. Also how was labour?" Sunny asked. "Painful definitely but worth it." I said. Frank immediately started crying and kicking his legs around. "Oh don't cry we're your family." Rolf said trying to calm him down.

"He's either hungry or wants his mummy." Neville said as I walked towards Frank, he's definitely hungry he's still crying. I walked away cause I'm not gonna flash my family obvi, when I got a safe distance I unclipped my shirt and let Frank eat.

"What she doing." Rolf asked. "Breastfeeding." Luna said helping Neville with breakfast. "Hi I've returned." I said walking in with Frank covered with a blanket. "Where's the baby?" Dad asked looking around. "Eating her boob." Rolf said. "No he's eating breast milk." I said grabbing a random baby sock.

2 hours later they finally left and as I was doing laundry I heard a knock on the window. "Darling there's a letter assigned to us." Neville said handing me a letter and it read.

Dear Neville and Sunny,
You are invited are invented to the celebration of Harry Potter's first child James Sirius Potter, we've heard your first son was born not to long ago so we ask if you bring him so James can make a friend, it'll take place on Saturday at 3:00 pm at *Harry's address* We hope you can make it
, Sincerely the Potters

"Frank's already going to more partys tham me." I laughed as I held my needy little baby who always needs to be held. "We should probably get a gift for Harry's kid." Neville said walking over to the kitchen.

At James's party

We arrived and saw George greeting guests. "MY FAVORITE LONGBOTTOMS!" He said walking towards us. "Aww look at the little blonde Neville." he said while looking at Frank. "Come inside James needs some friends." He said leading us to where the party was. "Oh hi Sunny!" Ginny said walking towards us while holding a small baby. "Hi Ginny how have you been." I said side hugging her. "Sleepless." She said "You're not the only ones." Neville said putting the gift down with the other ones. "Yeah but it's worth it." She said while rocking James. "Frank this is James, you want to be friends?" I said putting Frank closer to James. "What a handsome boy isn't he James?" Ginny said rubbing Frank's face.

We waited for them to do something as we me and Ginny talked about labour and Neville spoke with Harry but then James put his hands on Frank's hand. "AWW LOOK THEY'RE HOLDING HANDS!" I said as people crowded us to see. "Aw you like him James?" Ginny asked. James did nothing but smiled as Frank smiled. Everyone was awing as our boys befriended each other.

Me and Ginny sat on the couch and talked as the baby's stared at each other. "I can't tell if they like each other or not." Bill said walking over to us with Fleur and Victoire. "Aww what handsome boys." Fleur said sitting down with the little toddler in her lap. "This is Frank."  I said as I handed him to Fleur."He looks like Neville with blonde hair." She said as Victoire looked at James. "Mama." Victoire said while walking over to her. Frank cried as Ginny got up with James. "Shhh, shhh Frank it's ok." I said grabbing him back.

"Shhh Frank it's ok mummy's here and daddy's right there." I said pointing to Neville but he continued to ball his eyes out. "Is he hungry?" Fleur asked while grabbing a toy from my bag. "What happened?" Neville asked walking over. "I don't know he isn't hungry, his diaper was.just changed and he's being held." I said as I rocked him. "Maybe he misses James." Neville said while grabbing Frank. "That's probably it." I said as I looked around for James.

"James won't stop crying and I think he misses Frank." Ginny said walking towards us, they finally stopped crying and Frank put his hand over James's hand. "Aww is he your new best friend Frank?" Neville asked as Frank and James had a staring contest. "Ok my legs hurt from squatting here Sunny." Neville said as he handed me Frank. "Ok so is he a mummy's boy or a daddy's boy?" Bill asked. "He's definitely a mummy's boy since the second he was born he loves his mum." Neville said pretending to sound hurt. "But he still loves his daddy." Said as I looked at Neville who was fake crying.

One year later

Come on Frank come to mummy!" I said trying to get Frank to walk."Maa" Frank cooed as Neville held him up." Go to mummy Frank you can do it." Neville said as he tried to encourage him to walk. Frank was ready to walk but he needed some encouraging, we've been trying to walk but all he can do is stand for a few seconds."Come to mummy Frank! " I said as I held my arms out." Ok 1, 2, 3" Neville said as he let him go."Aaaa! " Frank said as he took his first few steps. I grabbed him before he could fall and me and Neville cheered." YOU DID IT FRANKIE!" Neville cheered as Frank put a wet kiss on his cheek.

"Oh my darling Frankie mummy loves you with everything and more."

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