Family life

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A/N: Yeah so y'all had another kid named Alice Augusta Longbottom and right now Frank is 10 and Alice is 8 and here's Alice

A/N: Yeah so y'all had another kid named Alice Augusta Longbottom and right now Frank is 10 and Alice is 8 and here's Alice

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Here's Frank

Omg he's so cute

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Omg he's so cute.
Neville POV

"ALICE AUGUSTA LONGBOTTOM GET IN HERE RIGHT NOW!!!" Sunny yelled not happy. "Ooooo you're in trouble mum found out." Frank teased. "SHUT UP FRANK!" Alice yelled loud enough for Sunny to hear. "ALICE!!" Sunny yelled. "I'M COMING!!" Alice yelled which she immediately regretted. "HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO YOUR MOTHER LIKE THAT I GAVE YOU LIFE YOUNG LADY!!" Sunny yelled ready to punish Alice. "Darling calm down. What happened?" I asked holding her shoulders.

"Apparently this young lady has been hiding the fact that she's skipped class, given teachers attitude and almost gotten in a fight 3 times this week. IT'S LIKE I DIDN'T EVEN RAISE HER!" She exclaimed. "Ok we'll talk to her but relax, she's just going through a phase so once she's older she'll behave." I said rubbing her shoulders as she took some deep breaths. "Thank you love you always know how to calm me down." Sunny said as she layed back into me. "It's what I'm here for." I said kissing her head. "Ew dad." Frank said with Alice hiding behind him.

"Alice you are in big trouble little missy." Sunny said walking towards her. "Hey mum?" Frank asked. "What is it Frank?" Sunny asked looking away from Alice. "Um remember when I asked if I could go out with James and you said I can if the Potters are ok with it?" He asked with his hands in his pockets. "Oh yes Ginny told me about it she'll pick you up in 20 minutes." Sunny said. "Great thanks mum you're the best." Frank said running to his room. "Now back to you Alice." Sunny said crossing her arms very disappointed.

"Alice why are you acting out in school you know we raised you better than that." I asked her sitting down. "I hate muggle school, everyone is so boring and I don't have any magical friends." Alice whined. "Why can't I be homeschooled like everyone else?" She asked making big motions with her hands. "Alice you know very well we're too busy for that and you need to have somewhere to go other than home." Sunny scolded. "You're mother's right Alice, once you're at the age you can go to Hogwarts but right now you have to hang on for a little bit longer." I explained trying to distract Sunny from any bad punishments.

"Am I grounded?" Alice asked knowing the answer. "You are more than grounded Alice Agusta Longbottom, no magic, no dessert and no going out other than school for 2 weeks." Sunny said as Alice sighed glad she avoided the worst one. "Oh and no playing outside almost forgot." Sunny said as she started cleaning the dishes. "BUT THAT'S NOT FAIR MUM!" Alice complained. "Darling surely you can let her play outside." I said trying to convince her. "No if's, ands-" "Ors buts I know I know." Alice said as she plopped herself on the couch. "FRANKIE GINNY'S HERE!!" Sunny yelled as Ginny knocked on the door.

"Thanks mum love you." Frank said running towards Sunny and kissing her cheek. "Love you to bits." Sunny said as he ran towards me. "Love you dad." Frank said as I squatted down so he could kiss my cheek. "Love you too Frankie." I said as I he ran to the door. "See ya Alice have fun being grounded." Frank teased as he ran out the door. "Why can Frank do whatever he wants?" Alice complained. "He behaves and listens Alice, you don't." Sunny explained. "I'm heading out love you dear." I said as I grabbed what I needed. "Love you more Nev." Sunny said as our lips touched. "Eww gross." Alice said looking away. "Love you Alice." I said placing a kiss on her head. "Love you too daddy."(if anyone makes anys dirty jokes I swear) Alice Said as she watched me leave.

Alice POV

If I'm being honest, I don't think mum likes me very much because she's always letting Frank do everything but never me. "I'm not trying to be mean Alice but actions have responses and your actions need consequences, I do love you very much you know that right." Mum asked refusing to look at me. I stayed silent, me and mum never see eye to eye but dad says she still loves me. "I'm doing this so you'll understand what'll happen when you act a fool in life." Mum said still not looking at me. I left for my room ignoring her.

Sunny POV

When I finished dishes I went to my room and layed down letting the tears come out, I grabbed a picture of my mum and talked to it. "Mum, I really need some guidance right now, I lost you when I was Alice's age so I don't know what to do, please give me a sign on what to do." I cried, after a while I wiped my tears and was about to start on dinner but then." Mum?" Alice asked peaking her head in."What is it dear? " I asked hoping she wouldn't notice my red eyes."I-I'm sorry for acting up, I'll try not to do it again." She said sitting next to me. Did she hear my conversation with mum? " Why did you never tell me that you lost grandma Dora when you were 7?" She asked holding my hand." I didn't want you and Frank worrying about me, it's my job to look after you 2 after all." I said squeezing her little hand.

I taught her how to make my mum's favorite meal and it was nice bounding time with her. "Am I still grounded?" She asked as she cut some potatoes. "Most definitely." I smirked as she whined. "Smells delicious." Neville said walking in. "Welcome home darling." I said as I helped Alice cook the potatoes. He walked over to me and put his hands on my hips as our lips touched lovingly. "Ewwww dad, that's gross. Why are you 2 so lovey dovey all the time?" Alice whined as me and Neville laughed. "Because we're in love Alice, one day this'll be you." Neville teased as he walked to the counch grabbing a book.

"Wait Frank isn't home yet mum." Alice said looking at the clock. She was right, it was 8:20 and Frank is supposed to be home by 8:00, he better have a good reason to why he's late. 2 hours later I heard the door opening. "FRANKLIN XENOPHILIUS LONGBOTTOM WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!! I yelled probably waking up the whole family." M-mum what are you doing still up?" He asked knowing he's in trouble. "Why waiting for you! Where were you?!" I yelled incredibly mad. "Well James said we should stay out later and I wanted to and you're not supposed to know that." Frank said regretting opening his mouth. "I knew it, my gut said it don't let your son be friends with him his dad was obsessed with danger and him being the chosen one but you let loose and now look he's staying out late doing who knows what." I told myself.

"Wait until his mother hears about this." I said. "Wait mum don't tell her please." Frank pleaded but I didn't care. "You, are grounded." I said pointing to his room. "But why?" He whined. "What was that?" I asked. "Yes ma'am." He said dragging himself to his room.

I went to my room and let out a huge sigh. "Come to bed darling you need some rest." Neville said frightening me a bit, I layed next to him as he wrapped his around my waist to pull me closer. "What are we going to do with them sweetheart?" I asked putting my arm on his chest. "Just keep going love, we'll figure it out together." He said squeezing my hand. "Good night dear." I said laying head on him. "Good night darling." Neville said kissing my hand

2 weeks later

I woke up and saw Neville dead asleep next to me, I laughed then got up to make my family breakfast. "Good morning mummy." Alice said running to grab her stuff for school. "Good morning love why are so excited?" I asked setting the table. "No reason." She shot back I bit too quickly. "Sure." I said. "BREAKFAST IS READY!" I yelled basically summoning Frank. "Good morning love." Neville said rubbing his eyes. "Good morning darling." I said kissing his cheek as he sat down to eat his breakfast. I got ready for work and we all left to where we needed to be.

My family may be chaotic at times, they're mine and mine forever.

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