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A/N: this is the first time I'm writing smut sooo yeah


Sunny POV

Wow I'm 20 now. I thought looking at the window, I turned 20 not to long ago but I still couldn't believe it.

"Honey I'm home." Neville said walking into our small cottage. "Welcome back love." I said cleaning up the dishes. He leaned for a kiss and then sat on the couch. "I'm so happy it's spring break I need to relax." He said. I laughed as I wiped my hands on my apron, after I took it off I went to sit on Neville's lap.

I sat in his lap and he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my shoulder. "Hey love?" He said sounding nervous. "What is it Nev?" I asked. "Uh well, I want to feel more dominant, so I was if we could do something in bed or something." he said looking at the ceiling. "Maybe try for a child." he whispered.

"Dear I'd love to, I want to help you feel more confident and I'd always dreamed of having your children so I'd love to." I said looking at him.

He kissed me and I happily kissed back. He opened my mouth to slip his tongue in, I didn't even try to fight for dominance.

His tongue explored a bit but it wasn't long until his hands started to wander. "Is the ok love?" He asked looking at me. "Of course dear." I responded. We continuing to make out but later he said. "Let's go to the room is that ok?" he asked.

"It's perfectly ok Nev and stop asking you already know I'll say yes." I said "Can we at least make a safe word?" he asked. "Ok how about, um stop sign?" I asked. "Fine with me." he said going back to making out as he carried me to our room.

When we made it he threw on the bed and got on top of me. "Would you be so kind and take if your shirt love?" he said with his voice sounding rough. Merlin it was hot. I threw my shirt off and he attacked my chest with kisses. "You're so beautiful angel." Neville said with his lips against my bare skin.

I giggled a bit and started undoing his shirt. It wasn't long until we were fully naked and having a steamy make out session. I felt around his body and found his dick and touched it. Nev moaned a bit then said. "God I want you around me so fuckin bad." I looked him in the eye and he smirked.

I took him into my mouth and started to bob my head up and down. "God yes just like that baby." He moaned. I gagged a bit cause it was getting a bit too much for me but I put more into my mouth. Tears filled my eyes but I felt Neville tuck my hair in a messy ponytail. "Try relaxing beautiful I wanna fuck that mouth." He said. I relaxed a bit and he started thrusting, I moaned as he fucked my mouth.

After a bit he started rubbing my thigh near my clit. "Nev please." I moaned. "Please what honey?" he asked innocently. "Just fuck me Nev please." I whined. "Just because you asked so nicely." he whispered in my ear. "Thank- OH FUCK!!" I moaned as he crashed into me.

"Neville please.." I moaned as he banged into me again. "What is it dear, too much, no you know what to say if that's the case." He said. He was right, it felt so good I wanted to go till I was paralyzed.

"FUCK NEVILLE!!" I moaned loudly as he crashed into my hips. Neville just chuckled as he brought my body up to him as he placed steamy kisses against my neck. "You wanted this deary."
He said slightly tugging my hair.

God he was hot, but he really went from my kind awkward husband to a horny confident. "Ne-Neville." I moaned. "Yes darling?" Neville responded.

"I love you so fucking much, I really do." I said with my legs giving up completely. "I love you more than anything love." Neville said kissing my nose.

"Let's stop I'm tired ok." Neville said laying next to me. "Oh let me get you a towel darling." He said walking to the bathroom.

He came back with a towel and we cleaned ourselves up. And layed in bed. "That, was amazing darling." I said rubbing Neville's face. "I'm glad you enjoyed it."Neville said. Then we went to bed.

                               3 months later

"And then I was like how dare you and-" My best friend from work went on about but I had to interrupt her as I threw up again. "Oh my, are you alright you've thrown up 3 times today?" Daisy said. "I'm fine really just um.. period.. cramps?" I said hovering over the trash can. Now that I think of it I haven't gotten my period in a second.

"You sure?" She asked. "I think I'm....pregant." I said looking over at her. "Oh my Merlin did you sleep with Neville?" Daisy gasped. "Well no I became that person's mother muggles worship, uhh the virgin Mary."

"Well let's get the Longbottoms their breakfast first then we'll figure it out." Daisy said. "You're probably right Dais." I said pushing the cart to the Longbottoms.

"Mr and Mrs Longbottom, it's me Sunny, Neville's wife." I said walking in seeing them. "It's breakfast time." Daisy said placing their plates in front of them.

After a while and we finally got Mrs. Longbottom to stop eating gum and eat her breakfast we talked to our supervisor if I could take a pregnancy test, luckily our supervisor was very nice and supportive so he let me take one.

"You done with the pee stick Sun?" Daisy said. "Yep, it's not seasoned yet so we gotta wait."  I said looking at it. "Those unholy lines could either make or break your marriage Lovegood." My supervisor said looking at the positive test.

"Maybe it's defective so I remain unconvinced." I said shaking it. "Follow me Lovegood." my supervisor said taking me somewhere.

It was an ultrasound, after a bit we found out I really was pregnant. I got the pictures so I could surprise Neville, and thank Merlin I was let early to go  home.

I walked into my little cottage and decided to do chores to pass the time. After a while Neville walked in. "Phew- Sunny?" Neville said walking in.

"What are you doing home you don't come in another 3 hours?" he asked leaning over for a kiss. "Uh well I have some news dear." I said looking at him. "What is it love? Let's sit down." Neville said softly and kindly, God I love this man.

"Dear do you remember that night we tried for a child?" I asked. "Yes, oh my are you?" Neville said looking surprised. I pulled out the ultrasound picture and said. "Pregnant? Yes." Neville immediately started crying and hugged me. "Oh I don't want to crush the baby but I love you so much love." Neville said while crying.

"I love you even more Neville, we're going to have a family now dear." I said giving him a warm kiss on the lips.

He kneeled down and kissed my stomach. "We love so much already baby."

                               Neville POV

I walked into my classroom extremely happy. Students walked in and got ready for class, after they all walked in and were ready I said. "Ok today we well be-" I got interrupted by a student named Gabriel raising his hand. "Yes Gabriel?" I asked wondering what in Merlin's name he's going to need in the beginning of class.

"Why do you look so happy sir?" He asked looking at my curiously. "Well me and my wife will soon be having a baby but that's not-" I tried to finish but cheers erupted in my classroom. "What in Merlin's name is happening here?" one of my co workers asked as he walked in. "PROFESSOR LONGBOTTOM AND HIS WIFE ARE HAVING A BABY!!" One of my students yelled happily. "Well that's amazing but calm down we can hear from my classroom and congratulations Longbottom tell your wife I wish her a safe healthy pregnancy."

"Thank you." I said as he walked out. "OK CALM DOWN CHILDREN IT'S TIME FOR CLASS!!" I yelled calming then down.

A/N: God that smut was bad lol.

Word count: 1437

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