The proposal

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♡Neville POV♡

It was a beautiful autumn day, Sunny's favorite season which I found funny since her name is Sunny but I knew today was the day that I ask
Sunny Lovegood to be Sunny Longbottom. I have already bought a ring but I didn't know when to ask her or if she was ready, I mean she's only 18 but she always talks about our future together like kids, houses, marriage and how date nights would be like with kids.

I finally arrived home and decided to write to Mr
Lovegood and Luna.

(The letter to Xenophillius/Luna and Sunny's father)

Dear Xenophillius,
How are you? I've decided to write to you to ask if I could marry your youngest daughter Sunny, I know she's young and has so much to live for but she's my Sun and moon and I know she's the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with, I'll treat her better than I already do I know I'm just a professor at Hogwarts but my love for Sunny is gold and I just hope you'll approve
, Sincerely Neville Longbottom

(The letter to Luna)

Dear Luna,
I haven't seen you in a while, how have you and Rolf been? I wrote this to ask if I could get your approval to marry Sunny, I've already written to Xenophillus asking I know she's young but I love her with all my life and more, you've always been so kind to me and I'd be so happy to be your brother in law
Your friend, Neville Longbottom

I sent the letters to them not knowing if Luna was back from her business trip but I sure hope she was.

✩2 days later✩

I heard a knock on my window and saw it was my owl and I had 3 letters 1 from Xenophillus, 1 from Luna and 1 from Sunny.

(Xenophillus's letter)

Dear Neville,
I've been well, even better after reading your letter and of course you may marry my Sunny I know you're a good man who treats her well and she always speaks of her dreams on marrying you so I know she'll be over the moon when you ask her
Sincerely, Xenophillius

I smiled knowing I had his approval.

(Luna's letter)

Dear Neville,
We've been well thank you for asking. How have you been? And about Sunny or course you can marry her as long as my father is ok with it let me know how she responds but I know for a fact that she'll say yes knowing how much she loves you,
With love, Luna

Again I smiled knowing her family is on board, now to read the letter from my dear Sunny.

(Sunny's letter)

Dear Nev,
I've missed you dearly and I was hoping we could go to the park tomorrow at 3:00, I've been a bit lonely and like I said before I've missed you dearly and I hope you can see me tomorrow,
All my love, Sunny

That's it, I'll propose to her at the park.

✩At the park the next day✩

I patiently listened to Sunny as she went on and on about how annoying people were at her internship at St Mungos Hospital and really took in her beautiful features her misty mysterious eyes, her fair skin, and her beautiful wavy blonde hair(If anyone attacks me for saying this isn't you just remember, you are Luna Lovegoods sister ok? Ok) but then I decided, its now or never.

"Darling?" I said a bit nervous. "What is it Nev are you alright you sound nervous?" Sunny said with clear concern. "You are the most amazing, kindhearted-" I was interrupted by Sunny saying "That's a lie I get mad easily." "Love just let me speak" I said "Oh my bad" Sunny said with a little chuckle.

"Sunny Lovegood, ever since that day you came to speak to me and I got to know you I knew you'd be the one I love forever." I said while looking down at her beautiful eyes

"And so I just wanted to ask" I said while getting on one knee pulling out the ring "Will you marry me?"

♡Sunny's POV♡

"Will you marry me?" that's it. The words I've been wanting to hear ever since we got together. I wiped the tears off my eyes then screamed "YES YES OF COURSE I'LL MARRY YOU NEVILLE!!" while basically tackling him, I got a bit embarrassed cause people were watching but then again the love of my life just asked me to marry him.

"I need you more then the sun itself my Sunny, I love you so much." Neville said while kissing my cheek. "I love you more my darling." I said while kissing him on the lips. Some people clapped and I got really embarrassed but an old lady came to us and said "May you live a long life filled with love." "Thank you" we both said. Neville slipped the ring on my finger then kissed my ring.

"Let's go dear" I said while helping him up "I'm so happy I found you Sunny" Neville said

Word count: 862

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