Welcome to the world Frank

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Neville POV

I was packing up ready to go home but then I heard a."Professor Longbottom?" One of my students Layla asked." Yes Ms. Rolan? " I asked the shy little girl standing at my door.

"Um, can you give this to your wife. It brings good luck for pregnancy, my mum works with your wife and she said she's getting sick very often." She said handing me a bracelet . "Thank you Ms. Rolan you're very kind." I said grabbing it.

"Um, you're always so kind and I want to repay you for being so patient with every class and my mum says your wife is very kind and so it's like a gift from both of us." The girl said fidgeting nervously. "I'll be on my my way now professor have a weekend." She said walking away. "You too Ms. Rolan." I said getting up to get home.

I finally made it home and waited for Sunny to get home, I wonder what she's doing.

Sunny's POV/2 hours later

I was getting ready to get off work as my co worker Mrs. Rolan walked up to me. "Sunny may I recommend a good baby shop in Diagon Ally?" she asked helping me pack up. "Of course Mrs. Rolan." I said grabbing my water bottle.

After she told me the store I walked over to it. I walked in, my Merlin I saw someone I prayed I'd never see again. "SUNNY LOVEGOOD?!"

Flash back

"I don't understand Sunny, all I've done is love you and care for you" Ben said looking hurt. "Look Ben I love someone else and he-" "So that's it, you're leaving me for that over weight 5th year?" He interpreted me. "Neville is amazing and Ive always loved him." I said trying to walk away. "FUCK YOU LOONEY LOVEGOOD YOU HEAR ME?! FUCK!! YOU!!! He yelled. Ben had been my boyfriend for about a year but my heart truly belonged to Neville but I dated Ben thinking I'd never have a chance with him.

I walked to my room upset about how bad Ben took the break up but then I bumped into Neville. "Sunny are you alright?" he asked looking concerned. "I'm, fine really nothing too bad." I said trying to get to the Ravenclaw dormitory but Then I felt warm arms around me. I hugged Neville back as I let tears roll down my eyes.

"I hate getting yelled at." I said pulling him a bit closer. "Yeah me too but you're a Lovegood." He said looking down at me. "Lovegoods love being the fun unique people the are, I always say you and Luna as snowflakes, beautiful and light and look the same from a far but up close you two are completely different. He said holding my face.

I smiled and said "Thank you Neville." and kissed his cheek walking off.

After flashback

"Sunny Lovegood?" Ben said surprised. "Um Ben, funny seeing you here, in a baby shop." I said fully turning around. "YOU'RE PREGNANT?!" He yelled surprised. "Um yes and it's Sunny Longbottom now." I said looking at some things around the shop. "Wait so you married the fat pig?" Ben said rudely.

"I married the kind man but yes I married Neville." I said grabbing a nice looking sheet for the cot. "OUT WITH YOU STOP HARASSING MY COSTUMERS!!" The owner's husband said chasing him out.

"Is there anything I can help with miss?" He asked. "No I'll just take this thank you." I said walking over to the check out.

I walked into the cottage and called out for Neville. "I'M OVER HERE DARLING!" He yelled from our room. I walked in and saw him putting the baby's cot together. "Here I got this sheet for it." I said handing him the sheet. "Oh it's beautiful dear." He said putting it in. "Here let me help" I said trying to help but Neville said. "No darling, rest the baby's coming soon." he said sitting me down on our bed. "Oh sweetheart I got the gender today." I said reaching into my bag. "Oh that reminds me." he ran to get his bag. "One of my students said this helps with pregnancy so here it's from the Rolans." He said handing me a bracelet.

After hogwarts (Neville Longbottom x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now