Announcing the engagement

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                            𖧷Neville POV𖧷

It was the next morning after I proposed to Sunny, she'd stayed at my little apartment for the night saying that she was too tired to go home and since soon we'll be married we might as well do so but to be honest I just think she wanted to sleep on my bed cause she always says it's really comfortable.

I looked over at her after I'd woken up and I let out a little chuckle looking at her, she was sleeping with her arms and legs everywhere with a slight snore I mean she's always been a crazy sleeper according to Luna. "Love wake up" I said gently but Sunny wasn't so gentle with her response. "No shut up I'm sleeping." She whined while gently smacking me across the face.

"Sunny it's morning." I said while gently shaking her. "I don't care go away I'm tired I sleep till 3:00 anyways," She whined again. Guess she doesn't act all Sunny in the mornings. I grabbed her waist turning her around to get to the floor. "NEVILLE I WANT TO SLEEP IT'S BEEN A LONG WEEK!!" She yelled while flinging her arms around. "Darling it's 10:00 don't you wanna spend time with your fiance?" I asked hoping that'll wake her up. "Oh my word I forgot we're getting married." She said finally calming down. "How do you forgot we're getting married." I asked genuinely confused. "My brain doesn't work in the mornings for a good minute." She said a bit offended. I chuckled while giving her a kiss on her nose. "Mm good morning love." Sunny said while gently kissing my lips. "Good morning dear." I said while kissing back.

When we finally got up from the floor and brushed our teeth we made our way to the kitchen. "Wait does my family know you proposed to me?" Sunny asked while getting the eggs out of the fridge. "I wrote to them asking if I could so they know I asked you but they don't know how you responded but the said they know you'll say yes." I said while grabbing a pan. "Oh ok." Sunny said while grabbing the pan and reaching over to turn on the stove(idk abt you all but I can barely reach the knob things on the stove *cries in 5'1*)

After we ate breakfast (Why am I writing a breakfast scene I don't even eat breakfast) we decided to go visit my grandma to tell her the news.

                         ✩At Augusta's home✩

I opened the door walking in with Sunny "Grandma?" I said waiting for her to respond (off topic but I was listening to Line without a hook while writing this part and my god this song hits hard TwT)

"Neville is that you?" Grandma said while walking out to our sight. "Hello Mrs. Longbottom." Sunny said cheerfully. Grandma had some reservations about Sunny saying she's a nice girl but a bit strange. "Hello Sunny." Grandma said looking her up and down. "What brings you 2 here out of no where, you didn't even bother to write letting me know you're coming." She said a bit annoyed. Why are women so grumpy in the morning?

"Sorry grandma but we have some news we'd like to share." I said while grabbing Sunny's hand. "If you're pregnant why didn't you wait till marriage." She said looking a bit disgusted. "That was a reaction we were looking forward to." Sunny whispered. "No grandma we're not pregnant." I said while sitting down on the couch with Sunny.

"That's good I'm too young to be a great-grandma." she said while sitting down. "Well out with it." she said a bit persistent. "Well." Sunny said while looking to me. I nodded to her saying together. "We're engaged!" We both said making sure we aren't too loud so grandma won't get annoyed. "Well it was about time I was wondering when you'd get married." Grandma said. "Grandma I'm only 20 years old." I said a bit confused. "Well she's 18 and she's getting married Neville." Grandma said while signaling to Sunny.

                          𖧷 Sunny's POV 𖧷

"Well she's 18 and she's getting married Neville." Mrs. Longbottom said while signaling to me. Leave me outta this petty old lady, I thought as Neville spoke with his grandma. What's her problem with me anyways I mean I think I'm pretty great and how is she still alive and my mum's dead.

"Sunny, may I speak to you for a moment." She said while getting up. "Of course miss." I said while following her to a hallway near the restroom. "Look I know you're a young girl but I just wanted to ask you why did you choose Neville, I mean you're quite beautiful but a bit strange and Neville is um how do I say this, Neville." She asked. "Well that's why I chose him, because Neville is Neville and I love everything about him from top to bottom." I said with a smile. "He's a bit... big you know." She said waiting for my response. "Well that just makes him Neville and it's great for hugs." I said a bit offended because this old lady is talking about MY fiance. "I just don't understand how you're attracted to him." she said sounding extremely bitter. That's it I don't care she's Neville's grandma I'm about to go off on her no more miss nice girl.

"Look I know you raised him all his life and you're an old lady but I will not stand for you talking about MY fiance like this, Neville is an amazing, brave, kind, respectful, HANDSOME, smart and caring man and he does not deserve to be spoken about like that he should be respected because he's an amazing person, and you call yourself his grandmother my Merlin people." I said. (I was listening to La funka and so if there's any spelling mistakes that's probably bc I was dancing)

I expected her to go off or something but instead I heard a "You've passed the test Sunny." She said with a smile.

Wait what.

"You've proven you truly love Neville so I approve of this marriage." She said. (Me again but mlp is playing and let's dance for a sec 💃🕺💃🕺💃 ok that's enough) "So you didn't mean that?" I asked very confused. "I did that to see what'd you say."She said.

That doesn't answer my question but ok.

"You may leave now." She said walking away. "Well it was nice seeing you two congratulations on the engagement and Sunny welcome to the family." She while practically pushing us out of the house. "Bye grandma." Neville said walking out. "See you soon Mrs. Longbottom." I said walking out. "Yes you too goodbye." She said closing the door.

"What was that talk about?" Neville asked. "Oh nothing really important don't worry.

✩At Xenophillius's house✩

As luck would have it, it was dads birthday the next week, it wasn't anything big just a small dinner with me, Luna, Rolf, and Neville. "Thank you Luna it's beautiful." Dad said while giving Luna a hug, she gave him a beautiful charm. "Oh this reminds me, Sunny I want you to have this." Dad said while reaching for a box.

"No dad it's your birthday you should get presents." I said as he handed me the box. "Your mum and I made necklaces for when you girls get married so, take this." He said as a pulled a beautifully crafted necklace out. "It's beautiful dad thank you." I said reaching over to hug him.

"As long as you girls are happy I'm happy, you girls are my moon and sun."

Word count: 1286

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