Frank goes to Hogwarts

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Yeah Frank's 11 Alice is 9 and we're old enjoy : )

Frank POV

It had been a week after I turned 11 and a letter came in for me, I opened it and yelled. "IT'S MY HOGWARTS LETTER!!" Those words caused mum to run in. "Let me see." Mum said looking at it. "DAD I CAN GO TO WORK WITH YOU!!" I yelled as he laughed. "Now your mum won't be worried for her life because you'll be with me." He said looking at it.

September 1

We made it to platform 9 3/4 and I was pumped to get to Hogwarts. "Mum do I call dad dad or professor Longbottom?" I asked looking at her. "Um good question I don't know it'd be weird to me if you call him professor Longbottom but he'd be your teacher." She responded walking with me. "I'll just call him dad for now." I said pushing my cart with Alice sitting on it cause her legs were tired, such a lazy kid. "FRANK!!" James yelled running towards us with his mum chasing him. "JAMES!!" I yelled running up to him. "FRANK STOP RUNNING!!" Mum yelled grabbing my cart and chasing me. Me and James embraced with our mums not far. "James I told you not to run." Mrs. Potter said finally reaching us.

With our family at the train stop and dad at Hogwarts waiting for me it was time to say goodbye to my family. "Ah mum come on people are here." I whined as she placed kisses all over my face. "Mwah But my baby is going to be away from me for so long mwah." She said still kissing my face. "Mum dad's going to be there." I said as she squeezed me. "I know but, you've always been my little boy who I can go home to mwah.". She said placing another kiss on my forehead. "Don't worry Frank I'll take care of her." Alice said proudly standing tall. "Good, don't act out in school you better behave for mum." I said rubbing her head. "Aye aye captain." She said as we saluted. "Come here kiddo." I said as she hopped into my arms. "You'll miss me." She teased as we hugged. "We'll see." I said.

"Tell dad I said hi." She grinned her evil little daddy's girl grin. "I'll tell him don't worry Al." I said looking at her little face. "I love you mum." I said resting my head on her chest as we squeezed each other. "Love you to bits darling." She said rubbing my head. She placed one more kiss on my head and I got on the train with James. "What house do you think we'll be in?" He asked sitting down. "My dad was a gryffindor and my mum was a ravenclaw so maybe gryffindor." I said thinking about it. "Both my parents are gryffindors so I'll probably get into gryffindor I think I'm pretty brave."

"Excuse me?" A girl asked looking at us. "Yes?" (Bare with me everyone's kids are Albus's age so I gotta make new ones.) I asked looking at her, she looked a lot like one of my mum's old friends. "Have you seen a black cat walking around here? I've lost her and I can't seem to find her." She asked looking at us. "Oh there's one right under here." James said. She grabbed her cat and sat next to me. "I'm Flora Raven. You boys are? She said petting the little cat.

"I'm James Potter." James said looking proud. "As in Harry Potter?" Flora asked looking shocked. "Yes ma'am." James said looking very proud. "And you are?" She asked looking at me. "Frank Longbottom pleasure." I said reading the book my dad got me. "WAIT DO YOU KNOW SUNNY LOVEGOOD?!" She asked smacking my arm."Yes she's my mum." I said pushing her arm away." Her and my mum were best friends in school." She explained."I just thought my mum was lonely in school." I said looking at my book."I've seen photos of your mum and she is gorgeous." She said dramatically.

We finally got to Hogwarts and when me and James saw dad we both waved like crazy trying to get his attention. "Dad!" I whispere screamed. He made a shhh motion and signaled us to listen.

"Welcome to Hogwarts, The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the great hall, you will be sorted into your houses. The sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts." The lady said. When it was my turn the sorting hat started talking. "Hmm a Longbottom I remember your parents hmmm, GRYFFINDOR!!" Everyone cheered and I looked at dad and he looked very proud and mouthed "that's my boy."

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