♡The wedding♡

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(I'm so excited for this chapter)

☪︎ Luna POV ☪︎

I rubbed the tears out of my eyes as I helped Sunny put her wedding dress on, it was flowy with colors spattered all over it. Sunny and Neville's wedding was going to be simple and small but Sunny still wanted a dress that was unique so we bought a beautiful white dress and threw paint all over it.


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"How do I look Luna?" Sunny said slowly walking out. "Oh Luna you look so beautiful in that dress." She said. I was wearing a fun yellow dress to bring good luck to the wedding. "No Sunny it's your day you look the best." I said hugging her.

"My, my don't you look breath taking." Fleur said walking in. "FLEUR YOU MADE IT!" Sunny cheered, she had befriended her after she ran into her during the tri-wizard torments. "I wouldn't miss it and besides, who'd want to miss this opportunity." Fleur said, Ginny, Hermione and Angela came along but we're in their seats, I wonder how the boys are doing.

                              Neville POV

"You got this Neville." Dean said trying to calm me down. I was freaking out, I was getting married. "Dean how am I supposed to calm down if I'm marrying Sunny Lovegood-" "Sunny Longbottom Neville, she wanted to marry you and just you."

He was right Sunny said yes, tears and all. Today is about me and Sunny's love. "Thank you Dean." I said "Anytime, now go make that Lovegood a Longbottom."

I walked down the aisle looking at everyone who came Fleur, the Weasleys, Harry, Hermine and a few more of our friends and grandma. I made it to the end and waited.

It felt like forever until Sunny came but finally I saw a sight beautiful enough to make a blind man see.

                                Sunny's POV

I walked down the aisle holding onto dad's arm, before I knew it I was already crying tears of joy. "Don't cry dear it's supposed to be the happiest day of your life." Dad whispered. I didn't say anything, I just wiped my tears as dad wiped his.

When we made it to the alter, dad kissed my cheek and just said. "You my Sunny are an amazing sun, keep him safe I love you very very much darling." I love you more dad." I said.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate Neville Frank Longbottom and Sunny Pandora Lovegood (after the wedding shit)."

"Do you, Neville Frank Longbottom take Sunny Pandora Lovegood to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love through sickness and through health for better and worse, till death do you part?" the priest(or whoever the fuck wed wizards) asked.

"I do." Neville said wiping tears of my face.

"Do you, Sunny Pandora Lovegood take Neville Frank Longbottom to your lawfully wedded husband, to love through sickness and through health for better and worse, till death do you part?" he asked most likely knowing my answer.

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