Coming out

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It was summer holiday was around the corner and Frank had a secret he desperately wanted to get off his chest.  "Are you going to tell your parents about us?" James asked.  "I don't know, my parents say they'd love me if I was a rat but dating a boy." Frank said with his head down.

James intertwined his fingers with Frank's squeezing his hand.  "You're parents are the sweetest people, after you of course but they'd accept you." James said giving him a reassuring smile.  "You obviously haven't seen my mum when me or Alice do something stupid." Frank said making James laugh.


On the train James and Frank coming up with a good plan for Frank to come out.  "Pretend I'm Your mum ahem. Oh Neville my honey bear could you help me?" James said fluttering his eyes.  "My mum doesn't call my dad honey bear, she calls him Dear, sweetie, darling, sweetheart, love-" "Ok I get it"

"Frankie! Would you be a dear and come down for a second." James said impersonating Sunny. "Mum can I talk to you?" Frank said. "Of course sweetie, you can tell me anything." James said in his high pitched voice.

"Ok mum, you know how James is my best friend in the entire world?" Frank said. "Yes you boys even held hand when you were babies, Merlin my mum loves reminding me of that." James said.

"Ok I definitely like girls as well but, I like boys too and I'm sorry if I'm not the perfect son now that you know I'm bisexual but if you don't accept me I want to say that I don't care but I really do care if you don't accept me because I love you so much and you were the first woman in my life, you gave me life and I love you so much and I'm sorry if I'm not a good son anymore." Frank said wiping his tears.

"Wow uh Frank..." James said. "I love my mum so much and I don't want her to see me as a freak." Frank said in tears. "And my dad, I love him too but he'd probably be fine with me being bisexual." Frank said. "Aren't your godfathers gay? Dean and Seamus." James said. "That made me feel a lot better." Frank sniffed.


"OH MY BABIES!!" Sunny cried squeezing Frank and Alice. "Mum, you are killing us." Alice said. "Shhh let mummy hug you." Sunny said. "Poor dad you ignored him." Frank said. "Oh yeah, hello my love." Sunny said giving Neville a kiss.

"SCORPIUS!! OVER HERE!!" Alice cried. "My dad's tall so he can spot your family." Alice said. "That's my mum, my dad who you already know, and my older brother Frank but you already know him." Alice said. "Hi it's nice to meet you Mrs. Longbottom." Scorpius said. "It's nice to meet you too dear, are you looking for your family?" Sunny asked.  "Yes uh Draco Malfroy I'm sure you know him." Scorpius said.

"Malfroy?" Sunny asked as Neville began searching for Scorpius' family.  "Is something wrong Mrs. Longbottom." Scorpius asked.  "Your father bullied me, my sister, my husband, and my friends in school but I'm sure he's changed now, bless him he went through a lot in school." Sunny said.  "SCORPIUS!!" Draco called.  "DAD IM HERE WITH PROFESSOR LONGBOTTOM AND MRS. LONGBOTTOM!!" Scorpius yelled looking for his dad.

"There you are, we have to get home your mother's waiting." Draco said.  "Oh hello Neville, Sunny." Draco said.  "Hello Draco, have you been well?" Sunny asked.  "Yes I have and you?" Draco said.  "Pulling through, being a healer isn't as fun I thought it'd be but it is definitely rewarding." Sunny said. "Well I'll swing by you and Astoria's home next week?" Sunny said. "Yes and thank you so much for volunteering to be her new private healer." Draco said. "I don't mind extra money." Sunny said. "Bye Alice." Scorpius said. "Bye!" She smiled.

"New healer?" Neville asked. "Astoria needs a new healer to come to Malfroy Manor and I offered to do it for extra money in case of an emergency." Sunny explained. "You didn't need to, we're not struggling with money and the money I made as an auror is still on the side." Neville said as they apperated home. "Well I'm sorry for wanting to also provide for my children." Sunny said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2023 ⏰

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