Christmas with family.

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                                Sunny POV

"KIDS IT'S TIME TO START PACKING FOR GRANDPAPI'S!!" I yelled. "Mum why do we always go to grandpapi Xeno's house for Christmas every year?" Frank whined. Frank dreaded the Christmas stay at my dad's house because he thinks he'll get made fun of at Hogwarts for having "A Looney Lovegood" as a grandfather. "Because he's lonely at home and he's the only grandparent that's alive or available." I said helping him pack. "People will think I'm weird for having him as my grandpa." He said crashing on his bed. "WE'RE GOING TO GRANDPAPI'S HOUSE!!" Alice cheered grabbing her luggage. "Yes we are Alice now come on let's pack." Neville said grabbing some of her warm clothes.

"Daddy is aunty Luna and uncle Rolf going?" Alice asked grabbing a gift she made for dad. "Are they dear?" Neville asked looking up. "Yes I wrote to Luna and everyone is going." I said dragging Frank out of bed. "Come on Frank it'll be fun spending time with mum's family." Neville said. "Fine." Frank said helping me pack his bag.

We finally made it to my childhood home and knocked on the door. "DAD!" I yelled trying to get him to come out. "OH SUNNY DARLING YOU'RE HERE!!" Dad yelled hugging me. "Come in come in." He said shoving us in the house. "Oh let me look at my grandbabies." He said taking a good look at the kids. "Oh Frank you're getting more and more handsome everytime I see you." He said squeezing his chubby cheeks. "Um it's nice to see you too papi." Frank said pushing his hand off. "Oh Alice my little angel, you look like a brunette version of your mother you are so beautiful." He said squeezing her. "I missed you papi I made you a gift." She said pulling a framed drawing of her and dad out of her bag.

"Oh it's beautiful angel I'm going to hang it right here so everyone who comes sees it." He said grabbing a nail to hang the drawing, we heard a knock and I immediately know who it was. "LUNA!!" I yelled throwing myself on her. "OH MY SUNNY IT'S BEEN TOO LONG!" She yelled squeezing me. "Hi aunty Sunny." Lysander said walking in. "MORE OF MY GRANDBABIES!" Dad cheered going to hug them.

After a few hours it was time for bed and as usual me and Neville stayed in my old room, Luna and Rolf stayed in her room and the kids all slept in the spare room. "It's been a long day as usual." I said tying my hair back for bed but I felt arms snake around my waist. "Hello love." Neville said breathing down my neck causing goosebumps to form. "What are you doing?" I asked looking up at him. "Nothing dearie nothing." He said. I tried to compose myself because the children are still awake and we don't need to traumatize them but for some reason Neville was feeling sexy tonight.

I got in bed with Neville and layed on his chest looking up at him. "Try not to do anything too bad the children are awake." I said as he put his hand under my shirt. "No promises love no promises." He said rubbing my neck.

We ended up not doing anything because of the long day we had a just talked a bit then went to bed.

                             Frank's POV

"Um, kids." Mum said sounding sad. "What happened mum?" I asked looking up at her and dad. "Well me and your mother decided that it's best if we..." Dad said not finishing his sentence. "I'll tell them Neville." Mum said looking at him. That's weird mum never calls dad by his actual name. "We're getting a divorce kids." Mum said with her voice breaking.

"WHAT?! 12 YEARS OF MARRIAGE JUST THROWN AWAY JUST LIKE THAT?!" I screamed causing papi to run in. "What? - Oh did you tell them?" Papi asked looking at mum and dad. "Yes dad we told them." Mum said with a tear rolling down her face. Alice, mum and dad were crying, I was mad, aunty Luna was confused, the twins were asleep, uncle Rolf was comforting Alice with papi and the twins were asleep. "WHY ARE YOU DIVORCING YOU'VE BEEN MARRIED FOR 11 YEARS?!" I asked angerly. "We've been going through some stuff without you kids knowing and we decided its best if we split up." Mum explained wiping her tears. "SO YOU THROW THIS ONE US?!" I yelled. "Frankie I know you're upset but-" "I ALWAYS THOUGHT YOU AND MUM WERE GOING TO BE TOGETHER FOREVER NOW I DON'T KNOW WHAT I BELIEVE!!" I interrupted dad.

I jolted awake and ran towards mum and dad's room, when I got there I opened the door and saw mum laying her head on dad's chest. They were always kind of lovey dovey like that, I broke into tears and mum jolted awake and ran up to me. "Sweetie what's wrong what happened?" She asked incredibly worried. "I-I had a dream you and dad were divorcing." I cried waking up dad. "Oh honey me and your father would never do that, I didn't get married at 18 if I wasn't madly in love with him." She reassured me. "We didn't get married at such a young age and have kids pretty young just to divorce 12 years later Frankie." Dad said hugging me. Why did I even believe the stupid dream me and Alice are always sick on how lovey dovey they were.

Christmas Day Alice POV

I woke up early and ran to mum and dad's room. "MUMMY DADDY WAKE!!" I yelled shaking them awake. "Sweetheart let daddy sleep." Daddy said throwing an arm over his face. "DADDY IT'S CHRISTMAS!" I yelled shaking mummy so she'd wake up. "MUM DAD IT'S CHRISTMAS WAKE UP!!" Frank yelled jumping on them. "I agreed to children not wildebeest." Mummy said looking at Frank. "Me too dear, me too." dad said tiredly.

They finally got up and me and Frank ran to see our presents. I got a cool book, a lot of toys and some new bows and hair accessories. Frank got a quidditch jersey which I find weird because no one in our family really is interested in quidditch but Frank, crystals, some new books and a new sketchbook and drawing items. "WOAH LOOK ALICE!" Frank said basically shoving the jersey in my face. "Wow nice." I said sarcastically not caring. The twins were amazed by their gifts while mum and aunty Luna made breakfast. "HAPPY CHRISTMAS FAMILY!" Papi boomed holding gifts.

We all ate breakfast and now it was time for the old people- I mean grown ups to open their gifts, first mummy and daddy opened my gift. "Dear mummy and daddy, thank you for giving me life and taking care of me and Frank, daddy you show me how a man should love me when I fall in love and mummy you make sure I'm behaving so I won't make a fool out of myself when I'm big love Alice." Daddy read with mummy. "Oh thank you sweetie we love it." Daddy said kissing my head.

Aunt Luna and uncle Rolf opened the twins gift. It was a family picture with all of them. "Aw boys I love it, it's so beautiful." Aunty Luna said as the twins gave her a kiss on each of her cheeks. "We'll hang it up on the wall when we get home." Uncle Rolf said rubbing their heads.

"Oh Luna dear would you look up." Papi said as the kids snickered. "What- Dad." Aunty Luna was clearly not amused. "Pucker up Luna." Mum teased making kissy noises. Papi had a mistletoe and was hanging it above Auntie Luna and Uncle Rolf's head. "Give her a nice smoothie smooch Rolf." Mum teased as dad chuckled. "Fine just stop talking Sunny." Aunty said as her and uncle Rolf kissed(((is it just me or have i never seen my aunt and uncle kiss)))

"MWUH!!" Mum yelled as they kissed. "Don't think you're safe darling." Papi said walking over to dad and mum. They didn't hesitate and shared a loving kiss making me and Frank gag in disgust. "Ok ok now now for me and Neville to get our lovely wives their gifts." Uncle Rolf said walking with dad to get something. "Ok kids later your mummies and daddies will go out so you can have some time with your grandpapi." Papi said smirking. "We are?" Mum asked. "Yes you are oh look the boys are back." Papi said skipping back to his seat. "We're men." Uncle's Rolf said. "Well I was alive when Christ was a boy so." Papi said making aunty and mum laugh. "Ok ok here honey." Daddy said handing mummy a present. "Oh my, darling it's beautiful I love it." Mum said as dad leaned in for a kiss. "I love you." Mum said hugging him." I love you more." Dad smiled kissing her head. I got up and grabbed the box and it was a silver locket and when I opened it it had mum and dads wedding photo.

"Mummy open it." Lorcan said shaking aunty Luna. "Oh my Rolf I love it." Aunty said picking up the silver bracelet with a full moon on it. "The name Rolf means wolf and Luna means moon so full moons are kind of our love sign." Uncle Rolf said making mum awe. "Ok now I won't kill you for marrying my sister." Mum said making dad and aunty laugh and uncle Rolf pretend to be scared.

Christmas with family is the best.

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