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I turned around and was a bit surprised to see my brother standing there in the snow. He had snow on his clothes and in his hair. "Oh Kil,I didn't think you would actually-" "How did you do it?!", he looked confused, no he was scared. "Brother, I-'", he cut me off again. "It is impossible for someone to use two kinds of magic. So how did you do it? I don't get it, it's impossible!" He mumbled more questions, but I couldn't understand him. "Then let me explain it to you." For a moment we just stood there in the snow staring at each other. Kil was the one to break the silence. "OK, explain it to me."

I didn't actually expect him to listen but I was glad to see him calm down again. "Alright, so you know how there are the four main elements of magic: water, earth, fire and air. And then there are elements that originated from them like sound from air or metal from earth." "Yes, every child knows that much", Kil said. Then he got silent again and continued listening to me. "Right, but the thing is, that there is no difference between water and ice. Look", I crouched down and picked up some snow. "When I hold the snow in my hand it slowly melts into water because of my body heat. And if the water were to cool down again it would turn into ice. And that is what I do with my magic. I force the water to change its form from liquid to solid and I can manipulate it in both forms." My brother thought about what I told him: "The way you explain it, it makes sense in theory. But like I said before it is a natural law that one person can only manipulate one element. And even if it is possible, don't you think that someone before you would have figured it out already?"

"Hm, I don't know about that but I have a theory to it." "Well, I'm listening." It was the first time that Kil cared about what I thought about something. I guess he isn't always an asshole. "OK, so when a mage discovers their magic they normally decide on what kind of spells they want to use. Let's say that someone decides to learn trap magic and they become extremely good at it. Now if you were to tell them to perform a healing spell, theoretically they could do so, because everyone is born with the potential to use healing magic. But because they specialised in trap magic it would be way, way harder for them to cast a healing spell, than for a person who didn't decide on a specific type of spells jet."

Kil cut into my explanation: "Alright I get that, but what do spells have to do with the way you manipulate water?" "Well, I would be getting there if you could stop interrupting me. Now, all of us are born with the magic to control one element. But I believe that we are also born with the potential to manipulate the elements that descend from our main element. But because we were taught sins we were small, that we could only manipulate one element. We never tried anything different. But then again all that is just a theory, I could be completely wrong with everything I just said. I mean I'm only five years old." My brother just stood there with a surprised expression on his face. He was about to say something but I cut him off: "I have an idea, maybe you can help me test my theory!" I crouched down to the basket of food and took out the already empty glass bottle. I stood up again and handed it to Kil. He took it, with a confused look on his face. "What am I supposed to do with an empty glass bottle?" I was a bit disappointed in him. "Seriously, do I have to tell you everything? Glass is made by heating sand and moulding it into the desired shape. You are a sand magic user, use your magic to manipulate the bottle." Looking at the bottle he doubted what I said: "That's impossible, I can't do it." I tried to provoke him so that he would try it: "Seriously Kil, you are going to get your grimoire this year. And you are telling me that you can't even use your magic to break a simple glass bottle?" It worked. He snapped at me: "Shut up, I need to concentrate." He closed his eyes. It was quiet, the only sounds came from the lake and the forest which surrounds us. Then there was a loud cracking sound that broke the silence. And in the next moment the bottle in Kils hand shattered. He did it. "Kil, you did it! You are amazing!" I smiled at him.

He laid his hand on my head: "No, you are. You figured all that out on your own and you are not even six years old. I just broke a glass bottle, but I saw you break the surface of the whole lake. I am impressed by your control over magic and your intelligence." I looked up to him with surprise. I never thought that he would ever say something like that to me. "You really mean that, don't you?" He nodded. I smiled: "What do you think mother and father will say about my abilities?" He crouched down to me and looked me in the eyes with a rather worried expression. "Victoria, listen to me, I know you think much of our parents. And they are good people. But even good people are scared of the unknown. And when people are scared of something they want to get rid of it. So please promise me that you will never show anyone what you showed me today. Can you promise me that?" I looked to the ground. The things my brother said sounded scary. "Y-yes. I promise."

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