Escape from the dungeon

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Like a titan in crystal armour the diamonde mage broke down the doors to the treasure hall. We all thought that we had defeated the mage and that we could finally finish our mission. But it appears that there was a second fight about to begin.

The mage used a spell to let crystals grow out of the ground. He used them to keep Klaus, Yuno, Luck and me restrained. They grew over my feet and up to my legs. I tried to reach for my grimoire hoping that I could use a spell to destroy the crystals wrapped around my body. But in the moment I lowered my hand to my hip the crystals grew again and took a hold of my hands too.

How is this possible? How could he have broken free from Klaus' binding spell? He was unconscious and injured, he couldn't even move his right arm any more.

I looked at the diamond mage in front of us. He had used his magic to create a monstrous armour around himself. But his right arm was covered in flames and his neck, the spot where Asta had hit him, was too.

Is he using flame magic to heal himself?! But how?! A mage can only use one magic attribute. I mean I learned how to control ice, but that was because ice and water are in the same elemental group. But he is using fire magic and diamond magic which is a sub form of earth. They are in no relation with each other. Wait, didn't the wizard king tell me something like that? That the diamond kingdom would experiment on young mages to give them the ability to use more than one magic attribute. Is the person in front of us the result of these experiments?

"If I put out those flames, it should weaken him." Hearing Noelles voice made me snap out of my thoughts. I looked to the side where she stood with her wand held up. She was about to fire a spell at the diamond mage when he turned and struck her with his, in crystal armour encased arm. He hit Noelle with so much force that she was pushed back and landed unconscious on the ground. "No Noelle!" Mimosa ran to Noelle who was now bleeding from her chest. The crystals had ripped through Noelles clothes and into her skin.

"Noelle!" I heard Asta from the far end of the treasure hall. "How dare you hurt my friend?!" He had pulled out his sword and ran towards the mage. The mage created crescent blades, which spined as they flew towards Asta. Asta could parry them as he continued to run closer to the mage but the blades got faster and Asta needed to stop running to keep up with the attacks. He was busy dodging the blades, which the diamond mage used to attack Asta with a direct hit. Asta was pult of his feet and crashed into one of the walls which broke under the extreme force. He layed in a room behind the broken wall not moving with his heavy sword next to him.

"Noelle! Noelle, stay with me!" Mimosa was kneeling next to Noelle on the ground. She was wearing a flower dress, she held her hand over Noelles wounds. Mimosa's hands were glowing green as she healed Noelle. The glow spread from her hands to Noelle's body and her wound slowly closed.

The diamond mage turned away from Asta and to Mimosa who was still healing Noelle. He walked slowly in his diamond armour. He lifted up his hand and created the crescent blades again.

If I could only use my grimoire.

I felt how the weight of the crystals got heavier on my body. When all of a sudden a light appeared from within the crystals that grew over my body. I looked down to see that the light came from the mysterious bracelet on my wrist. The light got brighter and I needed to close my eyes. I felt an outburst of magic and the weight of the crystals on my body disappeared. When I opened my eyes again the light was gone and the crystals that had restricted my movements a moment ago were now shattered on the ground. The moment I realised that I could move again, I ran in front of Mimosa and Noelle. Without thinking I pulled my arms up and used my strongest defensive spell that I could muster in that moment.

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