Magic knight

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A day had passed since I left for the magic nights exam. I would be arriving in the next few hours. In order to keep my mind busy I thought about which magic knight squad would be the most fun to join.

It is obvious that I won't be joining the golden dawn, they take only the best of the best and If I were to join them they would have so high expectations. Where would be the fun in that? Then there are the silver eagles, but I heard that their captain Nozel Silva looks down on everyone, even his own sister. So that is a big NO for me. I refuse to join the crimson lions by my own choices and the purple orcas are also Out of the question, I met their captain Guelre Poizot once because of my father and that guy reeked of corruption and betrayal. Wait, isn't there also a knight squad where almost all members are only women? The blue rose? That sounds kind of interesting. But I don't think I would be able to survive very long, only being surrounded by females. Don't get me wrong, I like girls even more than I do guys, that's kind of the problem. I mean going on a mission and only being surrounded by women would be paradise, but I can't let myself get distracted when I try to save people. Then I am left with aqua deer, coral peacock and green mantis. I never heard anything bad about one of those squads or their captains, but I didn't hear anything interesting happening in These squads either.

Anyway, right now I am acting as if I could choose freely between the squads. But truth be told I would be happy if just one of them wants me to join them. I think I forgot one squad, but if I forgot them that probably means that they aren't that important.

A few hours later my carriage arrived at the capital. I got out and gave my thanks to the coachman, for taking me there safely. The main capital was beautiful. There were so many different people, shops and foods. I had to ask around a bit to find the way to the magic knights exam, but I eventually found it. It was a big arena with many people standing in front of it, cheering for the ones that would take the exam. I went inside and there were even more people there than standing outside. I needed to register myself with my name and had to show my grimoire. I was number 168. I went deeper inside of the arena to where the other contestants were waiting. Most of them were around my age but I also noticed some who looked a bit older. A small bird was flying to me, I reached out my hand and it sat down on my finger. It was an anti bird, the more you attracted the less mana you had. But it looked like only this one came close to me.

All of a sudden I heard someone scream. I turned to see what was going on. It was a boy with grey hair and a headband, running from a giant swarm of anti birds. He wasn't careful and ended up running into someone. The birds immediately flew away. The child turned to the man and apologised. The guy was twice the size of the kid. I couldn't hear what they were saying but the big guy looked like he was about to murder the kid. He grabbed his head and lifted him up. I saw him moving his lips but his voice didn't reach me, probably threatening to break the child's skull. But he was stopped by two men both wearing black magic knights robes.

Ah right that's the squad I forgot yesterday. The black bulls. They are like the misfits of the magic knights. They are the ones who have the power to be magic knights but are also a bit messed up. As a human from another world I would fit right in.

The people in the arena started to whisper about the black bulls and how they do more harm than good. But I didn't care, as long as I could join the magic knights I would be satisfied.

Fireworks exploded in the sky as a sign that the exam was about to start. The three black bulls left the arena. Only a few moments after that, all the anti birds flew away, the squad captains were here. They all sat down except the captain of the golden dawn, who was holding a short speech. You know, about the power of the nights and that we should never act in selfish ways, bla bal bal.

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