Dungeons and Diamonds(2)

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!Trigger warning! Don't continue reading if you get uncomfortable when reading about choking! (And I don't mean the good kind.) For everyone else enjoy this chapter.😉

I stood on a platform that came out of the wall which gave me the opportunity to look at the situation from above. But I still couldn't believe the scene in front of me.

The tree mages from the golden dawn were in front of a giant door, most likely leading to the treasure hall. But Mimosa was badly injured, she was laying on the ground surrounded by a flower cradle. The two men that were with her had multiple bruises over their bodies and Yuno even bled from his mouth. The two were intensely staring at their opponent, I followed their gaze and was now looking at the person responsible for my angel's wounds. It was a single young man with light purple hair and three crystals in his forehead. A giant crystal sword was hovering over him in the air.

He did that to three elite members of the golden dawn?! He doesn't even have a single scratch on him. How strong is he?

With a twist of his hand the gigantic sword swung to the side, going straight for me. I jumped down from the plato avoiding his attack at the last moment. I had been discovered. I used magic to ease my fall and walked over to the golden dawn knights. "Shouldn't you look for your lost teammate? What are you doing here?" the guy with glasses asked me. I grinned at them. "Well, apparently three members of the golden dawn aren't strong enough to take down one mage, so I am here as back up." The man with glasses sighed. "Oh, yes because a single mage of the black bulls can handle this situation." He said sarcastically.

I suppressed another annoyed comment and turned to face our opponent. I opened my grimoire, getting ready to attack. I can't let him use that sword again.

Water creation magic, a hundred water blades.

Crescent blades created by my mana were flying through the air, but they didn't hit their target. Even though I put as much force into that attack as I could it was still an ease for the diamond mage to reflect every single one of my blades. "I already tried an attack like that." Yuno said who was standing next to me as he wiped the blood off his mouth. I looked at him in annoyance and gave a 'tsk' sound from me when I turned back to look at the purple haired mage. "What do you propose to take him down then?" I asked, when I heard the flipping of pages behind me. The man with glasses who was kneeling on the ground in exhaustion before now stood up with his open grimoire. He grinded his teeth. "This is unacceptable! I will not allow this tragedy to continue! Now, steal creation magic, spiral lance." A silver lance came shot out of the ground. "Klaus, wait!" Yuno tried to stop him from his reckless attack, but we already heard the sound of metal hitting cristal and a giant dust cloud blocked our view.

In a situation like this it was reckless of him to attack just like that. Although I shouldn't talk since I made the same mistake only a few moments ago.

The dust cloud died down again and we now could see what the lace had hit. It was a mineral clone, it had stopped the lance with only one hand. The clone tightened its grip around the metal lance and it broke into pieces.

The clone ran fast towards Klaus who created a metal wall to protect himself. But that attack also caught my attention and I didn't notice that the diamond mage was about to attack me and Yuno. I only heard the sound of something swinging towards us. And in the next moment I was on the ground with Yuno laying on top of me, his head on my shoulder. His arm was wrapped around my waist and with the other hand he had protected my head from the impact. I looked to the side where both of us stood a moment ago, there the giant crystal sword had itself thrust in the round.

He pulled me out of the way? I thought a member of the golden dawn wouldn't bother helping me.

I lifted up my hand and pushed against his shoulder. He lifted up his head, blood was dripping down from the corner of his mouth onto my check. He stood up and pulled me back to my feet. "Thanks" I said as he whipped off his blood from my check with his warm hand. His gentle gaze met mine and I felt my face turn red.

"Hey you two!" Klaus yelled at us from the side "Stop staring at each other and concentrate on the opponent in front of you!" He was still fighting with the mineral clone, but he was right. Yuno and I turned back to the diamond mage in front of us. He had already pulled the sword out of the stone ground and was about to swig it at us again. This time Yuno and I were able to evade the attack. I jumped back and looked to the side. I expected to see Yuno next to me but he wasn't there. Even though we jumped back at the same time, he had already used a wind spell in combination with the smoke screen that was created by the sword smashing into the ground to get unnoticed behind our attacker. He was about to attack with a spell when the diamond mage swung his giant sword once again. Yuno needed to break up his attack and escaped into the air, to avoid the giant sword. The diamond mage had his concentration on controlling the sword, so I decided to use my chance to attack him.

Water creation magic, piercing water spike.

I ran towards the diamond mage as the water spike formed on the palm of hand. I was about to hit him in the back of his neck when he suddenly turned around. I was too close to dodge his hand that dashed forward and he grabbed me by the throat. I gasped in surprise. I tried to use the spike in my hand, going for his face, hoping that he would release me that way, but he used his other hand to pull my wrist down, before I could do so.

I was an Idiot to think that he wouldn't be able to divide his attention. Not only that, but he is using both of his hands to hold me down and he still controls his sword perfectly.

His grip around my neck tightened and he lifted me up. My feet were no longer touching the ground which made the pressure on my throat even stronger. I groaned in pain. Out of reflex I used my free hand to grab his arm but it was no use.

He doesn't even bother to kill me with a spell, he is just using his pure strength to strangle me. He reflects every spell I throw at him and he simply won't let go.

I felt how tears filled my eyes and my sight got fuzzy.

I can't die a second time. Not like this. Not here. This was supposed to be my second chance at life. I can't lose everything I found in this world. I don't want to die.

I was about to lose consciousness. When my grimoire started to glow. The pages of the book opened and writing started to appear on one of the empty pages. The tears in my eyes made me incapable of reading the words, but it didn't matter as long as that spell could help me escape his grip. I closed my eyes and concentrated to activate the spell. I felt how the palm of my hand, that I had on his arm, got warmer. I opened my eyes to see what was happening. I saw how my palm was glowing deep red. When I noticed that his hand around my neck started to loosen, I looked up at the mage's face. His expression was twisted with pain. His fingers around my neck twitched and he finally released his grip.

I fell to the ground. I coughed and gasped for air. I held my hand to my hurting throat, I noticed only now that the hand I used for the spell was covered in blood. I heard the mage before me scream in pain. I looked up at him to see his arm dripping with blood. He looked at his arm and then at me. I expected him to attack me straight away but instead he took a step back. His body language didn't show it, but in his eyes I saw the look of fear. He created a crystal wall between us. It moved in my direction, pushing me slowly away from him. I stood up and moved away from the moving wall. It was only now that I got to wipe the remaining tears out of my eyes and regain a clear vision. I looked at the diamond mage who was now focusing on Yuno again.

Yuno was moving so fast through the air that it was hard for me to just follow him with my eyes, but his opponent was still able to send the sword after him just as fast. Yuno needed to stop so that he could cast a spell, but that was the moment when the sword caught up to him. It slammed him into one of the walls with so much force to make the wall crack. He spat blood. The sword moved away from his chest and he fell down to the ground. He tried to get back on his feet, he had bruises all over his body and he was bleeding heavily from his mouth. Yuno was barely standing, he lifted his arms up trying to attack the mage in front of him, but his attack was reflected and the mage swung the sword at him once again. It was about to hit him but he didn't move out of the way. I heard Klaus callout for Yuno but he didn't react and I didn't either. Even though I knew that I needed to move to help him, my legs refused to take just a single step forward, my arms refused to lift up. My mind went black. It was like my whole body was petrified.

I snapped back to reality when I heard footsteps coming closer. From the corner of my eye I saw Asta sprinting towards Yuno. He pulled out his anti magic sword and with a single strike he had cut the crystal sword in half. 

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