The black bulls

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There it was, the black bulls hideout. Asta ran ahead and opened the door. Unfortunately for him, a firespell went right in the direction of the open door. He got hit by it full force and it launched him back a few metres. He landed with his head in the dirt right next to me. The fireball that had hit him caused the trees and grass in front of the building to catch fire.

Captain Yami looked at the fire then turned to us: "This is us. The worst of the worst magic knight squads. Welcome to the black bulls." He had a bit of an arrogant smile on his face when he said that. And with the flames in the background it was like he said: 'Welcome to the black bulls, this is going to be hell for you.' Or maybe it was just my imagination?

Asta stood up and spit out some dirt. He ran towards the flames, screaming. "No, I'm not done!" Pour him. Because a second firespell came shooting out of the flames. He was about to get hit by it but I decided not to let that happen.

I got in front of him. I held out my hand and redirected the spell to the side. I turned to him. "Are you alright?" He looked at me with sparks in his eyes. "Wow! That was amazing, Victoria!" I smiled at him: "Please that was nothing. I figured out how to redirect a spell when I was ten." The stars in his eyes got bigger "Wow, that is even more awesome!"

It was only now that I got to see inside of the black bulls hideout. There were six people in the big room that appeared to be a common room or something. A man with styled up hair blasted fireballs at a blond boy hovering in the air. A woman with pink hair laid on a sofa only wearing her underwear and her magic knights robe. A girl with black hair sat on a table with a mountain of cupcakes in front of her. A guy with a bleeding nose was staring at a picture. And a giant man with smoke coming out of his mouth, just sitting there.

We were standing now in the room. Asta tried to introduce himself but everything in the room was so loud that nobody could hear him. It continued like that for another minute. But then Captain Yami finally snapped, he lifted his fist and slammed it into the already damaged wall behind him. He hit it so hard that half the wall crumbled down. But at least he got everyone's attention through that.

They immediately started to group him. Yami laughed : "I'm glad to know how much you missed me." But then his expression changed and he looked at them as if he was about to murder them. "Now shut up. Will you?"

Everyone followed his command. "Sorry, sir", they said when kneeling down in front of us. Yami pointed to Asta and me: "I'd like you all to meet our two other new members. Come on, introduce yourselves."

Asta went first: "My name is Asta, from Hage village. It is really nice to meet everyone." Then it was my turn: "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. My name is Victoria van Dine and I am looking forward to working with you."

"Finral, introduce everyone. Will ya." Yami said, lighting another cigarette. "Sure thing sir. Let's see. You two already know Gordon Agrippa, not always a good person to talk to, but he is good people. Next we have Vanessa Enoteca, she tends to pick fights when she is drunk, but she is good people."

Vanessa stood up and looked at Finral: "Picking fights? I don't know what you are talking about." She turned to Asta: "Hage village, way on the outskirts of the kingdom?" She stepped closer to him: "To make your way from a tiny village to a magic knights squad. You must have worked so hard, nice kiddo. What do you say, I give you something as a reward." Asta got a nosebleed but he sucked it up. "Alright let's continue. Shall we?" Finral said.

"Hey, do me next!", the boy with blond hair stood up. Finral continued the introduction: "Luck Voltia, a battle freak who is addicted to fighting, but he is good people." Luck smiled at me and Asta: "Nice meeting you. So do you two like to fight? Because I love it. What do you two say wanna fight me some time?" Asta said nothing but I did: "It would be my pleasure fighting you someday. But I don't think that the curened level I'm on right now would make the fight very interesting. So maybe once I am stronger." I smiled at him and it appeared as though he was satisfied with my answer.

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