The other new recruit

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Vanessa showed me inside the black bulls hideout. "This hallway goes to the girls rooms, but if a guy tries to come in here the trap magic is going to be activated. So don't try to bring a guy. Okay?" She looked at me with a drunk smile.

"Wha-what? Of course not!" I felt my cheeks getting red. Vanessa laughed. "Okay, here we are. This is your room." The room wasn't very big, it was barely wide enough for a bed, a table and a wardrobe to fit inside. But I didn't think I would use that room for anything other than sleeping and when I would need a bit of privacy, so it was fine.

"I am going to show you the rest of the place tomorrow, so go to sleep now." Vanessa said, walking down the hallway, leaving me alone.

I closed the door behind me. The room was dark. The only light source would have been the small window, but since it was already night it didn't provide any light either. I sat down on the bed and opened my ponytail. I took off my robe and laid down on the straw mattress, it was hard but I didn't care. Many things happened that day, I was finally a magic knight and I finally got to live after my own rules. I fell asleep soon after I closed my eyes.

The next morning I was woken by the sun shining into my face. I dressed myself and put my hair up. I left my room to go to the dining room. I would have needed to take a left turn and walk down the hallway, but to my surprise there was a giant wall blocking my way.

"Oh you are awake", I heard a voice from behind me, I turned around to see who it was. It was Vanessa, she looked like she sobered up in the night, but she had another wine bottle already in her hand. She turned around and walked away from me, "Come on, the dining hall is this way." She made a hand gesture as a symbol for me to follow her.

I catched up to her: "Hey, Vanessa. I am pretty sure that that wall wasn't there yesterday." She looked at me a little confused. "Oh, right. I didn't tell you yesterday, did I? The walls of the building shift during the night. It is very effective to confuse intruders. But don't worry, after some time you will be able to navigate through the hideout with ease."

We walked to the dining hall, it was bigger than I expected. Charmy sat on one of the tables stuffing her face and sheep with chef hats served her more food. Vanessa and I sat down next to her and the sheep immediately started to serve us breakfast too. I was a bit confused: "Hey, Vanessa. What are those sheep?" She looked up from her food. "Hm? Those? Charmy created them with her cotton magic, those sheep do pretty much all the cooking for us." I started to eat too, it was just a simple omelette with bacon, but it was so yummy. I understood why Charmy loved food so much.

After Vanessa and I were done with breakfast she showed me the rest of the hide out. "This is the communal bath. The water is a bit hot though, so you will need a while to get used to it. Don't worry, girls and guys are separated." She showed me to some other places, like the bathroom, library and a wrecking room. "Well, those are the most important places. If you need anything else you can just always ask one of us. Oh that reminds me you didn't have the chance to meet our other new recruit, did you? Well you are going to run into her sooner or later." And with that Vanessa turned away from me and walked down the hallway.

So there is another new recruit besides Asta and me? I wonder what she's like.

I walked back to the library that Vanessa showed me before. I found a few interesting books there. I sat down with my back to the bookshelves and the books next to me on the ground. Around two hours passed and I just finished reading a book about military strategies, when I felt something weird. It came from outside. I jumped up, dropping the book to the ground.

I ran down the hallway. This raw magic power! It is close to rival mine, but it is completely out of control. Someone is going to get hurt if no one stops this.

I finally came past a window and got to look outside. There was a gigantic water bubble hovering in the air, it was almost as big as the hideout. I noticed that there was a person, a girl around my age, inside the bubble. She must have created it and lost control. But if no one was going to get her out of there she would be drowned by her own magic.

I covered my hand in mana and with one punch I broke the window. I was on the third floor, but it didn't matter. I jumped out of the window, using magic to soften my fall. I ran to the others,who were already outside, they just stood there talking about what to do.

"What are you waiting for, she is going to drown if she stays any longer in there!", I yelled at them. The captain looked at me with an unexpected calm expression. "Well we can't attack the thing with magic because she could get hurt and Finral's portals can't get through that. So we need Asta, he could cancel the magic." I had calmed down a bit, what Yami said was true. "You are right, but I won't stand here and do nothing. I maybe can't cancel her magic but she is still surrounded by water. So I can pull her out."

I stepped forward and held out my hands, in the direction of the giant water masses. I used my magic, trying to reach for her in the water. I closed my hand into a fist, taking hold of her and I slowly pulled her out of the water. I finally had her out of the bubble. I let her slowly float down to us and laid her carefully on the ground in front of us. She coughed up some water but she was alright otherwise.

Asta finally came running out of the woods. "Hey, kid. You see that? Do something about it", the captain said. Asta looked at the giant masses of water. "Okay, I'll try. But how do I get up there?" Captain Yami crabbed the kid and made a step backwards. Then he threw him as hard as he could. Asta flew through the air, he pulled out his sword and with one slice he destroyed the out of control magic.

Asts fell down but Finral catched him with a portal. "Good job kid", the Captain applauded Asta. He grinned. "Thank you, sir!" Then he turned to the girl, who still laid on the ground: "Hey Noelle, you got yourself some crazy magic power. I mean it's freaking amazing." She looked up at him. "Really, I'm totally jealous of you. I don't have any magic power, like none. All you need is some training to get it under control. Man, you're going to be strong, unstoppable." Noelle sat up.

"What is that all? You ran away because you can't control your magic?" Magna asked. He tilted his head a little: "I mean come on, this is the black bulls after all. We are a whole squad of failures. So you maybe got a weakness or three, it doesn't matter to us. You big dummy." He gave her a black bulls robe.

Asta held out his hand to Noelle: "Now come on, we will do our best together." She took his hand and he helped her up. I walked up to the two: "Hey. Noelle was it? I am pretty talented in controlling my magic and I am a water magic user too. So if you want to, I could teach you" Noelle looked at me and smiled: "Yes, I appreciate your assistance, but who are you again?"

"Oh that's right, I didn't get the chance to introduce myself yet. My name is Victoria and I am also a new recruit of the black bulls, like you and Asra. I hope we can be friends." I smiled at her.

It was already late so we returned inside. Nothing much happened after that and it stayed quiet for the next few days. During that time I showed Noelle some basics for mana control. She did well but she still wasn't able to hit a target.

Magna said that the newbies needed to do all the housework, so I did the laundry and wiping the floors, while Asta dusted the house and was responsible for feeding Yamis 'pets'. Unfortunately Noelle refused to do any housework so Asta and I ended up doing everything.

It was late afternoon I was sitting in my room reading a book, when Noelle knocked on my door. "Hey, Victoria. Captain Yami wants to see us." I put my book down and opened the door. "OK, let's go."

We walked down the hallway to the common room. Captain Yami and Magna both sat on a couch and Asta was standing in front of them. "There you are, we were waiting for you two" Noelle and I stood now next to Asta. I apologised for the both of us, knowing that Noelle wouldn't. "Yes, I apologise, sir. How can we assist you?"

Magna stood up: "We decided to send you three newbies in the field!" Asta got excited: "So our first mission. What do we need to do?"

"You'll go to Sosshi village for some boar hunting."

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