Chapter 1 (It Starts at Midnight)

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(Chapter 1)

It starts at midnight

"Humans don't take care of their lives that much, most of them are mostly used on useless, insignificant or frivolous things. . . But when faced with death, they do all they can to survive. Even if it means putting others in harm's way"

A classroom filled with 53 unconscious people, 24 are males and 29 are females. all in their school uniforms that they wore in their last days in high school. The same room they've spent an entire school year together. The room had neither chairs nor tables. But every inch of it is spotless white, yet the same decoration is still in place. The clock is still in the same place. The blackboard is neatly clean with a phrase written in a wild manner that somehow covered the entirety of the board. "It Starts At Midnight" that's what the phrase is. The windows and the door are sealed with thick metal plates. The room's source of light comes from four flickering light bulbs dangling from the ceiling at a certain length.

Each and every one of them is scattered throughout the entire room. Some lie on the ground with their back, some with their face and others sitting with their back behind a wall. Suddenly the clock starts ticking. The time is 23:00. Everyone is slowly awakening in their deep slumber.


23 out of 53 people are already awake. Some of them are trying to wake up the others that remain unconscious while others try to find a way out of the room.


"Where are we?" Lester asked when he was woken up by Ryan.

"We still don't know but we're going to talk about it when the others have woken up." Ryan replied.


Everyone is awake. Everyone agreed to hold a council to talk about their situation.

"So . . . What do we discuss first?" Michel, the former class president asked.

"I'm sure we all like to know what happened to each of us before we got here." Danielle said in a loud yet calm manner

"I don't really know what happened, everything after the graduation is all . . . fuzzy." Jubilyn said.

"Yeah . . . mine too. How about you guys" Michel asked everyone in the room.

Everybody shook their head in disagreement. Surprisingly every one of them is not showing any kind of fear in their current situation.

"We're not going anywhere with this. . . " Brien said.

"Am I the only one here who is not sceptical that the room that we are in is almost the same classroom we had, just without the table and chairs?" Kim blurted out.

Everyone came to a realization and their thoughts just got a lot more complicated. Suddenly they heard a static sound. A man with a deep frightening voice is heard in the entire room

"Welcome, former students of IV-Chrysoberyl. I am called the Game Master .I gathered all of you today for a special event I like to call LIVE or DIE. Everyone in the room is a participant of course. The rules are simple, first, once in a while I will give instructions that you have to follow, disobedience will get you killed. Second, you may terminate your other opponents however you like. Rules will be added as the event goes on."

The static sound disappeared and everyone is in confusion.

"What did he just said!?" Brien asked

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