Chapter 2 (The Game Continues)

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Chapter II

(The game Continues)


The place is trashed. 4 bodies are closely placed each other at the upper left corner of the room. The knives that they previously used to threaten each other is scattered everywhere. They all sat in the room, without uttering a single word, but constant cries, sniffs and coughs can be heard. Hope is dried from their very eyes, while despair and fear replaced it.

Finally the static sound came and the next event begins.

"For the next one, we'll have a Russian roulette. Orange number, randomly pick 5 ones in the bowl"

Nica's thought is still flustered from what happened but she has no choice to but to follow the instructions. The 5 balls that are picked are all Orange ones. Orange numbers 21, 14, 27, 23 and 28 are the one that are picked. Genesis, Clarisse, Denise, Monique and Winzett are the next one to participate in another murder caused by The Game Master.

"Ladies please step forth."

The small compartment on the ceiling opened again and dropped four more revolvers and 10 bullets separately.

"Each of you will take a revolver and load it with 2 bullets."

Each of them load their revolver with two bullets at least one space apart from the other one.

"Form a circle and face the person on your right."

Their places are as follows. Genesis points her gun to Winzett. Winzett points at Monique. Monique points her gun at Denisse. Denisse points her gun at Clarisse. And Clarisse pointed at Genesis.

"Place the revolver above your head and point it upwards. But before doing so, I will give you guys 5 minutes to say your goodbyes"

The five of them are in silent. Everyone in the room wouldn't make eye contact or even look at them. There's nothing they could do about it. There's nothing to say, in fact there's nothing they could say, they know they will die and they can't do anything to change it.

Monique then tried to utter a few words to them.

"H-hey . . . why don't we decide on something. Since all of us placed the bullets at least one space from the other, we could change the bullet that will hit by pulling the hammer."

Slowly all of them are having hope that they could not get killed in this part of the event.

"I suggest that we change the slot if we know that a bullet is in the barrel that way we would avoid killing and getting killed." Monique added.

The five of them agreed to the plan. They smiled even while tears are falling down their cheeks. Tears of joy flowed through each of them as they hugged each other and go back to their place in the circle

"The five minutes are up. Hope you guys said your goodbyes already."

"Shut up! We're not planning on dying today by the likes of you" Genesis said

"We're all going to survive this. That's for sure" Denisse added

"I wonder about that. . . Place your revolver above your head and start spinning the magazine. "

They place the revolver above their head and started spinning the magazine. They looked at each other with happy and teary faces.

"Now, point the gun at the person on your right. You may pull the trigger any time once I said so. Time limit is 15 seconds."

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