Chapter 8 (Final Event: The Massacre Continues)

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Every source of light is dimmed but bearable. Each of them didn't open any source of light for the sake of survival.


Danielle and Nica are at the rooftop at a considerable distance apart from each other. Nica is holding the rope in her hands and Danielle has a lead pipe with her.

"Where did you get the pipe?" Nica asks in a mocking tone.

"That's right, you weren't with us when we discuss about things. Apparently every black board here has compartments behind it and contains weapons." Danielle replied in a mocking tone

"Why're you telling me this, wouldn't it be a great disadvantage if I know all about it?" Nica asks in a mocking tone.

"Well dead can't talk." Danielle said with a condescending tone.

Around the same time at the ground floor. Juby, Jay-R, Ayen and Christian is threatening each other. Juby have the metal bat that Nica left, Jay-R holds the crowbar that Nica also left, Ayen has a lead pipe that she got from other room and Christian has a knife in both hands.

"Back off!" Juby shouted at them

"You back off!" Ayen shouted back at Juby.

"You're not getting out of this room alive, give it up Christian!" Jay-R shouted at Christian.

Christian pocketed the deck of cards that he scavenges from Kimberlyn.

"Shut up get away from me!" Christian shouted back.

Ayen is getting impatient; when the signal "Start" was announced; she rushed towards Juby and hit her directly in the face.

"Aaaaghhh" Juby screamed in agony.

Jay-R was startled and defended himself from Ayen who is rushing towards him. Ayen swing her pipe at Jay-R but he deflected it. Using the commotion Christian run out of the room and into the hallway but Kim is quietly waiting in one of the room and with a wooden bat hit Christian right to the face. Christian falls to the ground in pain. Kim on the other hand searched for the deck of cards in Christian pocket and his card then hurriedly leaves to the second floor after getting it.

"Jheany is Ace of Diamonds and Christian is Ace of Spades. Two more to go . . ." Kim said as she walking down the hallway in the second floor.

"I should find a safe place first before opening it . . ." Kim whispered to herself.

*metal clanking*

Kim looked behind her and she saw Barry with a long chain of metal in his hands. Kim tried to runaway but Barry had already entangled the chain to her neck and strangled her till she wasn't able to breathe.

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