Chapter 10 (Final Event: Deck Of Cards)

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Christian and Loui check each other's back to confirm that the mark is in everyone's back.

"So I have a 3 of Diamonds and you got a 8 of clubs." Loui said as he put his right hand below his chin.

"Just to be sure I want to check the other corpse." Christian suggested.

They both look at the other corpse inside the library which is Cadabogs, Shae, Elaine, Jheza, Espar, Jaerald and Kent.

"Alright then, Cadabogs is a 6 of Spades, Shae is a 10 of Clubs, Elaine is a Queen of Diamonds, Jheza is a 9 of Diamonds, Espar is a 9 of Hearts, Jaerald is a Jack of Clubs and Kent is a 8 of Hearts." Christian said as he take a look at everyone's back.

"There's no pattern, it's all randomness" Christian added.

"Well now I'm sure that the deck of cards that you guys are looking for have everyone's mark in it." Loui explained.

"A deck of cards has 54 if I recall correctly." Christian said.

"That is if you count each JOKER. Each complete set has 2 JOKERs. Comparing it to our situation we have 52 people and a hunting dog comparable to the JOKER." Loui explained.

"Well what if there are two hunting dogs. What if that extra one isn't our classmate?" Christian asked.

Loui looked at him with troubled eyes.

"I mean just think about it. I recall correctly there was a 3 minute black-out where no one can see. You can kill everyone within those 3 minutes. I think the only problem is that there is another compartment hidden in that room. If you think about this, if it takes him/her a minute to go in or out of the compartment then he only need a few seconds to kill 3 people close to each other the remaining seconds would be a spare in case it's a fail." Christian explained further.

Loui was in deep thought when Christian popped up the question.



Around the time where Drexter assaulted Christian and Loui in the library; Jay-R encountered Charm who at the rooftop near Nica and Danielle's corpses.

"What are you doing here?" Jay-R asked

"Waiting . . ." Charm said with a grin on her face.

Jay-R gulped a bit and asked

"W-waiting for what?"

"The end of this farce." Charm replied.

Charm stood up from the ground, her clothes absorbed some of the blood on the ground and slowly walked towards Jay-R.

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