Chapter 1

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I was walking to school. It was just like any other monday. Boring. That was until I bumped into someone. ''I am so sorry!'' I said to the stranger. They just looked really scared and walked away fast. 'That was weird.' I thought. My instincts were screaming at me to look behind me, but I didn't want to stand out. I just began walking a bit faster.

When I arrived at school, I immediately saw Peter. I ran up to him and gave him a hug. "Carmen! How was your weekend?" Peter asked. I smiled. "It was great." That's a lie. I felt really sad. I didn't know why. "How was your weekend, Peter?" I asked. Peter began talking about his weekend really enthusiastic. "So I was on patrol, and there is this crazy guy trying to kidnap this small girl. She goes screaming and he slaps her in her face. And then there is me. I go like: "Let the girl go or you'll regret it!" The guy panicked and threw the girl to the ground. I webbed him to the wall and helped the girl to the hospital. She was so young! I thought that her parents would come get her. She didn't have any parents! So, I felt really bad for asking where her parents were and asked her where she lived. She lived at an orphanage. So, after she got checked up, I brought her there." Peter is so cute when talking about something enthusiastic. "We do have to get to class Peter." I said. Peter suddenly looked stressed out. "We're too late right? Oh shit!" I laughed. "Peter, we're not too late. And language."

When Peter and I arrived at class there were only a couple seats empty. We were lucky that there were two seats beside each other empty. I really didn't feel like sitting beside Flash. He always bullied Peter and I felt really uncomfortable around Flash. I'm lucky only Peter, MJ and Ned know that my father is Tony Stark. Otherwise, Flash would do anything to become friends with me. I hated this guy. I thought that he might like me. He did act like it. Sadly, the two empty seats were besides Flash. Then Flash decided to say something. ''Hey Carmen. How was your weekend baby?'' I would have loved to punch him in his face. I could. Natascha trained me great. ''Please just shut up Flash.'' He looked offended. ''You know that my dad could probably buy you Smith?'' I tried my best not to laugh. His dad definitely couldn't. Smith was the fake name I was using. ''Sure Flash. I would let your dad try.'' He looked pissed. ''If I was you, I would shut your mouth. I could end you.'' I couldn't hold my laugh anymore. ''Please try Flash. You sound like an idiot.'' I nearly told him who my dad was, but luckily the teacher walked in.

I had the last lesson for the lunchbreak with MJ. We had math. It was boring because I already understood everything. It was about linear formulas. That's just really easy. MJ and I just talked the whole lesson. When break finally arrived MJ and I walked to the cafeteria together. ''I was wondering Carmen, why don't you ever invite us at your house?'' MJ asked. I didn't want to tell her that my room was messy, because she would just say that it didn't matter. I knew that it did. I can't even keep my room clean. I felt so bad because everybody can do something as simple as keeping your room clean. ''My dad doesn't really like when people who he doesn't know come to our house. I trust you, but my dad doesn't really trust anybody. He thinks you could be 'dangerous'. He's ridiculous.'' I felt bad for lying. That's not great huh? Lying to your own friends. I'm such a bad person. Then we arrived at the cafeteria. I already saw Ned and Peter sitting at our usual table. I waved at them, but they didn't see me. They were too busy staring at Liz. I mean, she is really pretty. MJ and I went to sit with them. They didn't even notice us. I heard Peter say: ''We should probably stop staring before it gets creepy.'' MJ apparently heard it too because she told them that it was too late. I really tried to hide the fact that I was laughing really hard, but I failed miserably. Peter looked my way really offended and that just caused me to laugh even harder. I few people began looking our way to see what we were laughing about, but they looked away when they didn't notice any drama.

After lunch I only had two lessons. The first was with Ned and Peter and the second lesson I had to sit beside Flash. Normally Flash would try to flirt with me, but now he just looked like he wanted to kill me. I'm pretty sure if I told my dad about this, he would personally end Flash. You want to use your dad to fix your problems? Damn that's low. I decided before I went to this school that I wouldn't cause any trouble and that worked. I hope that stays like this, because I can't handle disappointing my dad even more. I never was as smart as him and after I discovered that Peter is probably going to get the internship, I felt even dumber. I wasn't dumb, but I also wasn't as smart as Peter. I didn't know why I always felt the need to compare myself to others, but it was what I automatically did. It was like I was designed for it. Just like something inside me that always had some sort of hate for myself. I didn't know why yet, but I would discover the extent of it way too soon.

Hello readers,
This is my first chapter and I don't know if I really like it. If you have anything that could have been better, please point it out. I don't think of it as rude. I would love some help, because I'm not experienced in writing. I hope you did enjoy the chapter. I hope you have a good day / night<3 I love you all! Thank you for reading!
X Lianne

P.S. It's going to take some time for the next chapter to come, because I'm really busy with school<3

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