Chapter 5

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I could try to just wipe my hand on my sweatpants, but that would leave a red stain on my hand. If I go away again Nat will know something is up. Shit. I'm so dumb. Okay I need to do something. Anything.

"Hey Nat, I don't feel so good. I'm just gonna go lay down for a bit." She looked up and looked like she knew what was happening. She looked like she was going to confront me. "That's okay. Just tell Jarvis to get me if you need anything." I nearly sighed from relief and tried my best to gently get up from the kitchen island. What I didn't think through is that I bled more than I thought. Way more. I left a stain on the kitchen counter. A red stain. A really noticeable red stain. I tried to quickly walk away, but Nats voice stopped me. "Stop right now."
I turned around slowly, and I couldn't immediacy name the look in her eyes. It's a mix of sadness and irritation, but there was something else. Something I don't see often. Fear. She's scared of what I did to myself. "Carmen, please tell me it was just your period. Even though you just put in a tampon." She'll know if I lie. She always has. I walk to the sofa and sit down. "I.. Uhm. I don't know how to tell you. I.. you know? Get these urges. I cut myself." And then I burst out crying. The next thing I know Nat has wrapped me in a hug. "Shh. Baby, it's okay. Let it all out."

Then the panic gripped me. "You can't tell anyone. I'll get clean I promise, just don't tell anyone. Please.." When I looked into Nats eyes I saw doubt. I guess she wanted to help me and didn't know what the best way to do that was. She looked in my eyes. "I won't tell anyone, except if you have a relapse. I don't want you to hurt anymore." I can't let her find out if I do relapse. Nobody has to know how bad I feel. "I promise, Nat. I'll try as hard as I can."


The next day I had to go to school again. It was a Wednesday, and I just casually walked my usual route. Then I suddenly got a feeling that I was being watched. The same strange man that I bumped into on Monday was standing there, a couple of feet from me. Far enough that he couldn't do anything, but too close to be at a safe distance. I looked him and the eye and I saw a look I couldn't immediately place. I saw anger, sadness and jealousy. Then I saw something else. Fear. Fear of who? Of me? Of himself. Was he not able to control his own body? Then I saw his hand moving up. It was only then I realized he was holding a knife. The whole vibe immediately changed. He was a threat. And then I saw a look in his eyes. One that I didn't want to see. I saw a look of revenge.

Who did this man want to take revenge on? Me? I don't think I ever really hurt anyone. Maybe Flash's feelings? But that was about it. Suddenly I began to doubt myself. I'm not hallucinating, right? Then why were the people around me not reacting to the man standing there with a knife? As a looked around me, I got it really cold and then suddenly really warm. What was happening to me? I looked at the man again and saw that his face was blue. He looked familiar in some way, even when I never met him before. Then I see the man walking towards me. I wanted to tell him to stay where he is, but I couldn't speak. I couldn't move. As hard as I wanted to run away, it was physically impossible. I tried to scream, but I couldn't do anything. It was my fate to just stand there and get stabbed to death. I mean it would be a cool death, right?

Then I woke up in my bed panting. It was a dream. The blue man wasn't real. I looked at my phone. 4.30 am. I still had some time before I had to wake up to go to school, but I was sure I wouldn't be able to sleep again. I decided to just put on a hoody and sweatpants and go drink a glass of water. I'm not sure if dad came home tonight and if he came where he would be. Probably in his lab. Or with mom. I'm really proud of him, because he is really trying to spend more time with his family. My dad is really trying. When I walked into the kitchen I listened if I heard anyone. When I was sure I was alone, I grabbed a glass and filled it with water. I took the first sip, but the water tasted weird. It had a metallic taste to it. Like blood. I checked if I saw any blood, but I couldn't find it. Then what caused it?

I suddenly felt like the room was closing in on my, even though the room was enormous. I started coughing and when I looked at my hand, I saw blood. I was coughing up blood? Fuck. I thought I was feeling fine. I mean I had the explanation for the metallic taste. It was not the water, it was me. Or was it? I only noticed the metallic taste when drinking the water. Someone couldn't have poisoned all the water, right? Maybe it was the glass. Why would I cough up blood otherwise? I couldn't find a good explanation. I decided to just let it go and go back to my room. I decided to get ready for school and ignore all my problems, just like I always do. Just ignore everything.

I ate some breakfast and walked to school. I was walking my usual route when I suddenly saw the same strange man from Monday. The man that I saw in my dream. He was standing at the same distance, but when I looked in his eyes, I didn't recognize his look. His eyes looked kinder. I saw nervousness, excitement and a hint of jealousy. Then I saw, again, his hand moving up. Instead of the knife he was holding in my dream, he was holding a paper. The man smiled at me, and I guess it was meant to look nice, but I found it creepy. This time the man didn't turn blue, but I still had no trust in him. He walked towards me, just like in my dream and he gave me the paper. The man immediately walked away and didn't look back.

I checked what the paper said, and I thought I might puke.

"Sometimes dreams are better than reality. Remember that when you dream of me again"

Hey reader!
Thank you for reading this! I love you all!
X Lianne

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