Chapter 3

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After the lunch break, I had English with Flash and Peter. I was still in shock of what happened at lunch. Flash liked me? He wanted me to be his girlfriend? I didn't even like Flash, but I agreed for Pete's sake. I didn't know how everyone would react to the news, but I knew I didn't want this. I just wanted to die right there.

I sat down next to Peter when Flash walked in. ''Hey Carmen, baby. I missed you.'' Ew ew ew. I tried so hard to resist punching him in his face right there. Who the fuck did he think he was. He was my FAKE boyfriend. And it was just for one day. I really hope Flash dies. I really do. ''Oh, hi Flash. I'm fine.'' I decided to just answer him. Peter looked at me like I was crazy. ''Why is he calling you baby? And why did you sit with him during lunch?'' ''Listen Peter, I will explain everything after school. Please trust me and know this is not what it looks like.''

It was kind of cute how worried Peter was. Flash decided to sit right behind me. I hate that boy. ''Hey, hey Carmen.'' He whisper yelled. ''What Flash?'' I responded. ''You're really beautiful. Do you know that?'' He said. Me? Beautiful? I wouldn't show that what he said did something to me. Not that he meant something to me. I just didn't get called beautiful often. I have never thought of myself as beautiful. "Oh. Thanks." Wow. Even a dead dog has more enthusiasm. He gave you a compliment. You could at least be a little nicer. ''You aren't going to give me a compliment back?'' Flash asked.

Oh. My. God. He is trying to be nice to me and I can't even tell him something nice? Jeez, I'm such an amazing person!

Suddenly Peter lashed out on Flash. "You better shut your mouth, because there is nothing positive to say about you." Flash looked incredibly angry. "You know what I'm going to do to you, Parker? You know-" I interrupted him. "Flash! We had a deal." Peters eyes immediately found mine. "A deal? You made a deal with him? To protect me?" God I'm so stupid. He wouldn't want me to. He hates me. "Uh yeah." I really wanted to stab myself. I didn't care that it's impractical I really wanted to. I suddenly heard Peters beautiful voice. "Carmen? Are you okay?" Am I okay? I'm not sure. "I'm fine thanks. Why?" Damn I sound uninterested. "You look a little pale, Carmen. Are you sure you're fine?" I suddenly felt really dizzy. Small black dots started covering my vision. After a few seconds I only saw black, and I felt the world moving around me. Then I blacked out.

I woke up 20 minutes later in the nurse's office. I'm laying down on the couch. Peter, Ned and MJ were with me in there. Why do they look so worried? I feel fine. I tried to sit, but my head suddenly started pounding. "Fuck, my head." I reached for my head in the hope the pain would fade. Peter reached for me. "Carmen, are you okay?" My head was killing me. "I have a slight headache, but I'm fine." I definitely wasn't fine. I didn't feel okay at all. Peter looked at me skeptically. "I'm calling your dad. You don't look fine at all." My dad? I really don't want to bother him. "Oh no, there's no need for that. Like at all, I can walk again. See!" I tried to stand up and nearly fell down again. "Okay okay, maybe I'm not fine. Not entirely?" Peter grabbed my phone and searched for my dads phone number. I hope my dad doesn't pick up. He, of course, did.

"Carmen? Are you okay?"
"Hi Mr. Stark. This is Peter. Carmen fainted and she claims she is fine, but I don't think she is."
"Stubborn girl. I will be there in 7 minutes. Give her some water."
"Yes Mr. Stark. I will. See you soon."

"Jeez, my dad is so dramatic." Now MJ is the one lecturing me. "Your dad is indeed dramatic, but currently he is very realistic. Go drink some water and lay down for the rest of the day." Ned obviously doesn't take my side. Probably because I am wrong. "You really should just go home, Carmen." I probably should, but you know. I'm really stubborn. "I swear I feel fine, guys! I don't know why you're being so dramatic." I could have told them the earth was flat and they would have looked the same way to me. Peter definitely is completely done with me. "Carmen, even a dead tree has a better ability to lie." Ha. If they knew what I lied about. I really want to rub it in their faces. They basically know nothing about me. They don't know about the scars on my legs. They are fading, which you might think is nice. It is not. It feels like I didn't cut deep enough. Like if they fade, I could have also done nothing. It feels like I wasn't hurting that bad.

I suddenly realized I'm probably ignoring everyone, because I was lost in my thoughts. Peters voice grounded me "Carmen, can you hear me? Your dad is here." Oh. My dad? Already? It has been like 3 minutes. I decided to ask about it. "Already? It's been like 3 minutes." MJ looked at me confused. "It's been exactly 7 minutes. Do you have any sense of time?" Oh. But you know, who cares? Peter chimed in. "I'll walk you to your dads car. You know, to make sure you get there safely." I said my goodbyes to Ned and MJ and walked to my dads car with Peter.

When we arrived at the car, I wanted to thank Peter. "Thank you for walking me. I appreciate it." He blushed. "It's no problem at all. I hope you feel better soon." I do too. I really do. I opened the car door and waved goodbye to Peter.

"Hi dad." My father looked really concerned. "Carmen are you okay? What happened-" He looks at my thighs. "Is that blood? Carmen, are you bleeding?"

Hi! I won't update this for another month or more. Just so you know! Love y'all!!!💗

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