Chapter 11

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I woke up drenched in sweat, gasping for air. I tried to breathe, but i couldn't get enough air in my longs. It felt like my body didn't want to live anymore too. That's when i made my decision. I was going to do that night. That's why I'm writing this. Thank you for reading my letter. I hope you have a great life.


I lay down the pen and take a deep breath. It was going to be okay. I was going to die. I have peace with it. I hate taking pills and I'm not sure I'm able to jump of a building. I could just cut my wrist open. That's probably the best option. I grab a blade that's sharp enough to actually cut skin and I walk to my bathroom. Just one more problem. "Hey, Jarvis? Can you not tell any of the others what I'm doing. I would really appreciate it." Jarvis immediately responded. "Of course." I blew out my breath. Everything was going according to plan. I sit down in the bathtub and take a deep breath. I bring the blade to my wrist and cut. It isn't deep enough. The blood isn't even flowing yet. It's just a couple of drops. I have to go deeper. I use all my strength to dig it into my wrist and i drag it down. I once read somewhere that cutting vertically has a better chance of killing you, so I did. The pain was nearly unbearable, but it felt so good. I never went this deep before. I suddenly remember I also want to text Peter. I mentioned him in the letter, but that doesn't feel like enough. I grab my phone from the sink and sit down again. I'm really dizzy. I open my messages and go to Peter.

'i love you.' I send to him. Because he deserves the love. I see him opening the chat, but I can already feel my eyelids losing their strength. My whole body, now I think about it. Should I make another cut just to be sure? I probably should. All the problems I never be able to manage fade away. I grab the blade again and bring it to my wrist once again. I dig it in and drag it down. The pleasure that I felt only increases. It hurts so bad, but I like it. Then I feel the world fading around me.

Short chapter for today, because this is basically the end😃

I'm obviously joking.

or am I?🤨
X Lianne

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