Chapter 8*

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My jaw dropped.
Yes please. I was still on my knees in front of him so he decided to lift me. He put me on his lap so I was still facing him. "You know it's kinda unfair that I'm completely naked and you still got some clothes on." I blushed. It kinda was. It was also kinda cute how Peter tried to act all dominant, but still was really shy. "Go on then, pretty boy. Take them off." Now he was the one blushing. Nevertheless he did what I said. He pulled my shirt up and tried to look away. "This is what you wanted right, Pete? Then look. Because I want you to." It was so cute how red his cheeks got. Then he looked and I wasn't prepared for the amount of lust I saw in his eyes. I immediately got goosebumps from the intensity of his gaze. His whole attention was directed at me, and only me. He made me feel special. I still had my bra on. "You want me to take my bra off or will you do it?" I saw a sparkle in his eyes. "I'll do it."

His hands moved behind my back and immediately found the clasp. He unclips the clasp like he had did it a million times before. "Where'd you learn that, pretty boy?" He blushed and answered while slowly lowering my bra. "I guess I'm just really good with my hands." Now I was the one blushing. I felt my cheeks heat up from the thoughts racing through my mind. If I only thought about all the things he could do with those sexy hands. Okay, I admit it. I have a thing for hands. Big, muscular hands with, obviously, many veins. And Peter just happened to have those. I wondered how it would feel like to have those inside me. I suspected he knew how to bring me some pleasure. He'd probably curl his fingers just right. I'd have to bite something to keep myself from screaming. The feeling of cold air brushing my nipples distracted me. I heard Peter gasp and felt him get impossibly harder. Then he collided his mouth with my left nipple. My head immediately shot up and I had to bite my tongue from moaning so hard I'd let the whole building know what we were doing.

I grabbed his hair and pulled him towards. "Ngh.. You make me feel so good." He bucked his hips right onto my pussy. God fucking damn. This boy will definitely show me the stars. He decided to move onto my other nipple before kissing down to the waistband of my pants. He was such a tease as he slowly moved my pants lower and lower. I was so turned on I was sure I was dripping. I could feel my pussy clenching around emptiness. It begged to be filled up. He finally took of my pants and still wasn't done with the teasing. He kissed down to my thighs and groaned. "I love this. I love this way too much to move us, but I think I might break my neck if I stay in this position. I love your thighs by the way. I want to be squeezed to death by them." He then lifted me off his lap and laid me down gently. He got on his knees on the couch and kissed up my thigh. When he arrived at my panties he placed a tender kiss on the wettest part. I bucked my hips into his face. Goddamn. I had no idea how he did that, but he should never stop.

He took my panties off and when I looked at him I noticed he was getting hard again. "Damn, you'll be ready for a round two in no time, huh?" He blushed shyly and then licked my pussy. I grabbed his hair and pulled him closer to me. Oh my fucking god. I needed something inside me. Like now. He continued to lick and tease me until I was begging for more. "Pleas- Oh god, Peter I need you- Please.. I-" He then plunged his tongue deep inside me and I saw stars. I probably screamed as I felt his thumb circling my clit while his tongue plunged deeper and deeper. I felt my pussy tightening around his tongue while I moaned harder than I ever did before. This sensation was completely new to me. I guess we were even again.

I saw Peters very hard dick. I smirked. "You ready to go again?"

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