Chapter 9*

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Peter grinned. "Whatever you want, ma'am." I sat up and I kissed him. God, I love kissing him. It started with a simple kiss, but it didn't feel like enough. I needed more of him, more of his touch. I brushed my hands through his hair and pulled him closer to me. His lips parted in a gasp and I immediately took the opportunity. My tongue licked his lips before meeting his. The sensation caused butterflies to erupt in my stomach. The throbbing in my clit intensified. I really needed some friction to ease that. I straddled his lap and thrusted into his dick. His gasp made my stomach erupt in butterflies. Peter looked like he was in pain. "Please Car, I need to be inside you. Please." His eyes were begging me and it turned me on even more. I needed him inside me. Right fucking now. "Do you have condoms?" No matter how bad I wanted him, I didn't really want children. I could never be a good mother for them. More people should take that responsibility.

"They're in my nightstand. I'll get them if you-" I stopped his sputtering. "Don't worry about it. I'll get them." I stood up from his lap and walked to his bedroom. I could smell his scent even stronger in his room. I took a quick look around, before walking to his nightstand. It had two drawers. I tried the top drawer first and saw a reading lamp, a pair of socks and some food. Then I opened the bottom drawer. The first thing I saw was a blanket. He probably hid the condoms underneath it. I lifted the blanket up and instantly saw I was right. Under the blanket was a pack of condoms and a bottle of lube. Damn. He really was prepared. I grabbed the condoms and walked back to the living room. "You have a cute room." He blushed. He was so adorable. "Thanks."

I made my way to the couch and climbed on his lap. I rubbed my pussy on his dick and grabbed a condom from the box. I ripped it open with my teeth and I felt Peter thrust up onto me. God fucking damn. I needed him inside me now. I lifted myself off of him slightly so i could roll the condom on his dick that was still very hard. He closed his eyes what looked like he was in pain, but he said the opposite. "It feels so good, Car. I need to be inside you. Please, I need you-" I cut him off by lining his dick up with my entrance. His tip slid through my folds. It felt so good. Oh my fucking god. His dick grazed my clit and I swear I saw stars. He went back to my entrance again and trusted a bit up. He was way too big. He already stretched me out so much and he wasn't even fully inside me yet. He trusted up a bit further and whimpered. "God, Car.. You feel so good. You're so fucking good to me. So fucking good." His words turned me on even more. I let myself slowly down on his dick. Peter groaned. "Please go slow. I can't come yet.. Please, Car." I seated myself fully on his dick and moaned. Loud. Peters' eyes rolled back and I could feel him trying not to come. "You like that, huh? Having your dick completely buried inside me. You like the feeling of my pussy clenching around you?"

He whimpered and nodded. I shook my head. "That's not how this works, pretty boy. Use your words." He gasped when I lifted my ass off him and sat down again. "God, yes please.. I love it! Fuc-" I cut him off by lifting my ass as far as I could off him. He tried to thrust up again, but I stilled his hips. "Have some patience. Otherwise, I might stop completely." He stopped trying and nodded his head. I lifted my brows and he instantly recovered. "Yes ma'am." I smiled. "Good boy. I don't think either of us wants that." He blushed. I love when his cheeks turn pink.

I started fucking his dick again and slowly increased the pace. He started meeting me by thrusting up at just the right moment. God fucking damn. It felt so incredibly good. "Oh my fucking god, Pete. It feels so good. Now touch my clit like the good boy you are." He did. He fucking did. I was going to come soon. Peters' thrusts got more frantic the tighter I squeezed him. I could feel my eyes rolling to the back of my head. Peters' thrusts got faster and faster until I could feel him trembling. "God, Carmen. I'm going to come." Those words threw me over the edge. My whole body contracted and my thighs gave out beneath me.

I fell down on his dick while Peter moaned my name. I wanted to be filled with his cum, but that was a bad idea. I was not taking the pill, because I don't want any hormones that aren't natural in my body. It is annoying that my period is super irregular. I mostly have it once every 3 weeks. Fucking annoying. I mean, I'm happy I get it, but a little more regular would be appreciated. Why am I so ungrateful? I should be happy I can probably get kids and that I am physically healthy. So many people have it so much harder than me. I have caring parents, great friends and overall an amazing life. I just can't explain why I feel like shit all the time. Why? I wish I knew. I'm probably just an ungrateful bitch.

I got taken away from my train of thought by Peters' sweet voice. "Hey, Car? Are you okay? You got a little carried away with your thoughts. You know you can tell me anything, right?" My poor baby. He was way too sweet for this world. "I'm fine Pete. I guess I'm just ungrateful. I mean, I have such a great life, but I still feel like shit." I felt Peter touching my cheek. He tilted my head so I was looking at him. "Even if your life is the best life ever, you can still feel like shit. You know that, right?" I knew. I mean I guess I didn't really know, but I still knew. Even when I did, Peters' words really touched me. I felt seen by him. Seen like I haven't felt in a very long time. Peter saw me. As in really saw me. He saw me for who I really was.

He interrupted my train of thought. "I'm kind of still inside you, by the way. I mean, I don't mind, but it is a bit impractical." I burst out laughing. How could I forget? I slowly lifted off him, but immediately wanted that empty feeling filled again. He felled good inside me. I laid against his chest. "We should do this again sometime." I murmured. I could feel his chest vibrating against me, as he chuckled. I could stay here forever. Just Peter and me against the world, and ourselves. 

It's been quite some time, since I updated this, but here we are! Thank you for reading this! I hope you like it!
X Lianne

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