Chapter 7*

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After school I texted dad that I was going to hang out with Peter. Peter and I went to his apartment, and he immediately sat down on the couch. "Please don't tell anyone about this." I looked into his eyes and saw shame. "Can I see? Is that okay with you?" He looked a little scared, but still nodded. He pulled down his pants and revealed the scars littering his thighs. I nearly pulled down my pants to show him my scars. I sat down beside him and took a good look. There were old scars that were barely visible, but I also saw some fresh scars. I looked at Peter again. "You know I don't think of you any less of you, right?" Peters lip wobbled and I saw his eyes filling with tears. He tried to hold himself together. "I kno-" His voice cracked. Then the first tear fell down his cheek. Many others followed quickly. I immediately hugged him and told him it was okay.

His sobs broke my heart. I shed some tears myself too. In my defense, Peter crying is heartbreaking. When Peter seemed okay again he looked at me. "You do it too, right? Can I see?" I hesitated, but showed him anyway. Most of my scars have faded, but there are three fresh ones. I mostly cut on the inside of my thigh, because it's easier to hide. Peter did it in the top of his thigh. I guess it cuts easier. My thighs, however aren't the ones that took all the damage. If you look closely at my left wrist you will see some different colored lines. They are nearly invisible, but if you look close enough you might notice them. It's probably because I don't cut on my wrist anymore. It wasn't possible to hide anymore. The lower part of my stomach that's always hidden by underwear or a bikini also took quite some damage.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to show Peter that too. "I'm going to shift my underwear a bit down, okay? I cut there too." Peter looked way more comfortable than before and he nodded. It still surprises me to this day that one scar hasn't faded at all. I think that one is over 1.5 years old and it doesn't fade anymore. It has faded a little, but is still really noticeable. Other scars from 6/7 months old are already way less noticeable. I wonder if my scars will ever completely fade. Some part of me wants them to stay forever, while another begs for me to just forget all about it. That isn't possible with physical reminders.

Peter pointed at the 1.5 year old scar. "That one looks old. Why isn't it faded?" Why isn't it? Maybe I cut really deep that time? I don't remember it bleeding that bad tho. I don't think it even ever bled much. There were only a few drops of blood in my memory. "I'm actually not sure. It's like a year and a half old. It didn't even bleed much." I cut it with scissors. Does that influence it? I have no idea how all of that works. Then I suddenly remembered I also have two tiny scars on my ankle. They are still reddish even tho they are not that fresh. It always confuses me how scars heal so differently. "I also have two small scars on my ankle." Peter looked amused and sad at the same time. "You really spread it all over your body, huh?" I nearly burst out laughing. To people that can't relate with it, it might seem weird, but this is a way of coping. I tried to hide a grin and Peter noticed. We looked at each other and we began hysterically laughing. Slowly the laughing turned into sobs while I hugged Peter again. We sobbed together for what felt like hours, but actually were only 8 minutes.

I looked Peter in his eyes and laughed sadly. "We're pretty fucked up, you know? I don't know if I'll ever be able to stop." He just looks sad. "I believe we can do this. I'm actually 2 weeks clean." I gasped. Two weeks? "That's so long, Pete! I'm so proud of you." He just looked down shyly. "What about you, Car?" I know silly nickname. I actually hated it at first, but I guess it grew on me. The same goes for some music. I will say I hate it with my whole body and then actually start to like it more and more. The same happened with the nickname. How long am I clean? About a day. "Oh, uh. Not that long. About a day." Peter looked at my thigh and immediately spotted the three fresh cuts. "Those, right?" I nodded. Not because I wanted to, but because I owe it to him. Peter deserves so much better.

I looked at him and I felt the tension rising. I looked at his brown eyes and I could see all his pain. He looked so innocent, even tho he might be the farthest from it. I had never felt closer to him. Then our mouths suddenly crashed. I don't know who kissed who, but in that moment nothing mattered. Not the fact that some creepy man knew I dreamed of him and not that Nat knew about the cutting. The only thing on my mind was Peter. The way that his body fit perfectly against mine. Suddenly the kiss didn't feel like enough. I wanted him closer. Not having any pants on was kinda practical at that moment. I tugged his jeans from his ankles while he took mine completely off. I suddenly realized I was panting. Hard. Peter looked out of breath too. I stood up from the couch and sank to my knees in front of him. He looked down at me and I could see that he was turned on.

I stroked his dick while I looked him directly in his eyes. "Is this okay?" Consent is important. He whimpered while he tried to find the words. "Yes- God please, Car." That sound went straight to my pussy. I flicked his thigh. "Lift your but so I can take your boxers off." He listened and immediately lifted his butt off the couch. I slowly dragged his boxers down and freed his dick. He was already so hard it looked painful. Peter sank down on the couch again and leaned a bit farther back. I trailed my fingers up his thigh and decided that his shirt needed to come off too. "Take your shirt off. I want to see your abs." Peter immediately took his shirt off and looked at me. "You're okay with this too, right? If you don't want to anymore just tell me." I nodded. He is so sweet. He definitely has a golden heart.

I looked at his dick in amazement. How could his dick be so hard? I kissed the tip and Peter groaned. "Fuck Carmen, I'll come way too soon." I smiled. He's so cute. I swirled my tongue around the head and took him into my mouth. I started bobbing my head and I nearly came from the sounds Peter was making. He was whimpering and groaning. He also kept begging for more. He suddenly trusted up. I was choking on his dick and for some reason it turned us both only on more. I saw his entire body contracting and knew he was coming. I only sucked harder and the sounds he made were so hot. He came in my mouth and I swallowed his load. He was so out of breath I thought he may faint. "You okay?" Peter looked confused at me. "I should ask you that. You were nearly choking." I giggled. "You know I loved it." He smiled. "I do. And I'm okay by the way. Just a bit out of breath."

We looked at each other and I realized how lucky I am that this boy likes me. He's so pretty. And his dick is big too. And he's smart. And kind. I think I might love him. Then Peter spoke up. "I guess I owe you something." That grabbed my interest. "Oh yeah? And what's that?" He smirks, but still looks a bit shy. "An orgasm."

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