Chapter 6

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The strange man knew I dreamed of him? How could he possibly know that? And what caused him to hat me? I couldn't think of anything I did to piss someone off. It couldn't be that I accidentally bumped into him. Nobody would get mad over that, right? I looked to the direction the man went again and suddenly I saw something blue. And then it was gone. Was that the strange blue man? I didn't know what to do and suddenly realized I was standing still in a crowd of moving people. People didn't look up and didn't sigh annoyed. It was almost like they couldn't see me. But that wasn't possible, right?

I decided to just continue walking to school. What other choice did I have? As I was walking to school, I noticed that nobody seemed to notice me. Then I lady walked straight at me, and she looked like she couldn't see me. Then she walked through me. She walked through me. What the actual fuck? How? Panic gripped me. Nobody could see me. Then I suddenly noticed that my thigh didn't hurt anymore and the headache I woke up with this morning was completely gone. What the fuck was happening?

I ran. I ran until my legs gave out and my lungs exploded. I ran until I couldn't anymore. I stood there, panting. Then I suddenly heard someone yelling my name. "Carmen, wait! Please!" It was Peter. "What happened?" I nearly burst into tears. "I was walking, and some lady walked through me, and nobody noticed. Nobody looked at me. It was like I was invisible. And the headache that I had this morning, it's gone-" Peter wrapped me in a hug. I felt his strong arms surrounding me. He smelled amazing. Then the stinging in my thigh returned and the pounding in my head continued like it never stopped.

"Peter, I- The pain returned and I guess that means-" He cut me off again. Only this time it was by kissing me. On the middle of the sidewalk, we were just standing there. Kissing. I had to suppress a whimper from escaping. I deepened the kiss and Peter groaned into my mouth. He was holding the back of my neck while I tried to not pull his hair too hard. Our tongues were fighting for dominance and I'm not sure who won. I was too overwhelmed by the feeling of his body fitting perfectly against mine. I felt his muscles and his warmth. I was extremely aware of his body digging into mine, of his hands on my neck. Then we broke the kiss and I looked into his eyes. "Peter, I-" He cut me off for a third time. "Don't say anything. I know it was stupid, I won't do it again." He looked down ashamed. Stupid? "If you cut me off again, I swear to god, I will do something I might regret." Peter kept quiet that time. "That was amazing. And I really like you. If you don't feel the same, that's okay too. I just wanted to ask you out on a date." Peters jaw dropped. "You? Like me? As in you like like me?" I nearly burst out laughing. "Peter, you are aware of the fact that you're extremely pretty, right? And you're so nice. I don't get how anyone could ever not like you." Peter blushed. His cheeks got all pink. Cute.

Peter and I walked to school together chatting away. I still couldn't believe he also likes me. He's so cute. Then I suddenly remember all my problems. Nat knows about the cutting. I can't do this to Peter. He doesn't deserve this. I dug my nails into my palms and Peter immediately looked down. How? How could he know that I did that? He looked really concerned. "Please don't do that." His body got all tense, like he was trying to fight a feeling. Like he was trying to fight.. an urge? I stopped in the middle of the sidewalk. "Peter, look me in my eyes." And there I saw something I hoped I wouldn't see. "Carmen, I-" I cut him off by hugging him. "Shh. Baby, it's okay. You don't have to explain right now. Let's just get to school and we'll talk about it after school?" I felt him nod. I broke the hug and looked him directly into his eyes. "We'll get through this together. I promise."

Sorry for the short chapter, but I thought this was a beautiful ending of this chapter! I'm hoping to be able to write more regularly, but I can't promise anything! Thank you so much for 300 readsss!!!
X Lianne

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