Chapter 2

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When I arrived at school the next day, I felt kind of empty. I didn't know why. I just felt like a burden to everyone. When I was walking to P.E. I saw Peter getting bullied by Flash. I knew I had to do something, even if that meant disappointing my dad again. ''Hey Flash! Leave Peter Alone!'' Flash looked up confused and amused. ''What are you going to do about it?'' I tilted my head and tried to look intimidating. ''I don't think you want to find out.'' He scoffed. ''I usually don't punch girls Smith, but I will if you get any closer.'' He looked kind of scary, and I really didn't want to fight anyone. I was trained by Natasha; I could take him down. I just really didn't want to. ''Okay Flash, if you leave Peter alone, I won't come any closer.'' He looked surprised. "You know you don't make the rules here, right? Because I won't hesitate to punch penis here in his face." I really didn't want Peter to get hurt. "Please just let Peter go." He looked kind of curious. "And what will I get from that Carmen?" I really didn't know how to answer that. I know now that I shouldn't have said anything for a whole day. "Anything you want, for just one day." He looked pleased. "Go thank your savior penis." Peter walked to me. "Why would you do that? I mean I'm really thankful, but why?" He whisper-yelled. "I don't know Peter. I just don't want you to get hurt." He looked at me like I'm crazy. "You know I could have handled myself, right?" I sighed. "I do know that Peter, but I'm just worried." He looked at me with worry in his eyes. "You're going to be so fucked tomorrow." "I know Peter. And language!" Peter laughed. "Okay okay. But we should probably go to class. We're already like 15 minutes late." Then I began to stress. "I'm gonna be in so much trouble." Peter looked surprised. "You have literally never gotten in any trouble. If you're late once, that really doesn't matter." I began walking really fast. "But my dad wouldn't be really happy." "Fuck Mr. Stark." I gasped. "Peter he's my DAD. I can't say things like that. And you can neither." He laughed. "Okay okay! Let's just get to class."

When Peter and I arrived at our class we were 20 minutes late. I was really stressed, because we were way too late. Peter didn't look too stressed out. I thought that it was just me. Although I never really was stressed before. I thought that was something normal. Being stressed is, but if you have amazing parents, you shouldn't be too stressed about being too late. I still was. When I stepped into the class my anxiety was really high. Flash was not in this class. I was really thankful for that. I didn't want to see him. Flash is just an awful person. He always has something hurtful to say. I still don't know why Flash bullied Peter. Peter didn't do anything. I think Flash is just jealous. If he knew who my dad is, he would hate me or try to be friends with me. For my own safety only my closest friends now that Tony my dad is. I really love my mom Pepper and my dad Tony, but sometimes they are just really busy. I don't blame them. They have a really busy life. Sometimes I just wish they would have some more time for me. I know that's selfish because I have everything that I want. If I ask for something dad would immediately fix it. Both my parents are amazing. That's why I feel bad when I want more time with them. They are amazing. I just shouldn't be such a selfish bitch.

Chemistry was really boring. I'm really thankful I got the smartness from both my mom and my dad. School has always been easy for me. Other children were always jealous of me. I never understood why. If they tried hard enough, they could become just as smart as I was. That's what I always believed. I didn't even think about how that must have been for the other kids. Always having someone smarter than you. I can't say I have really had that. My dad will always be smarter, but that is completely different.

When break finally arrived I immediately looked for Peter, Mj, and Ned. I needed my best friends. And Ineeded to ask Peter why Flash bullied him. There should be a reason why hebullied him right? Let's just go ask him. When I finally saw Mj sitting at our table,I began walking a bit faster. When I could hear her talking to Ned Flashsuddenly appeared. I really didn't want anything to do with him. "Pleasejust go away Flash." He looked really happy with himself. "I thoughtyou said you would do anything I wanted for a day. Right Carmen?" Thefirst thought I had was to just ignore him. I tried to walk past him, but hepushed me back. "Just let it go Flash." He looked kind of crazy."Go sit with me and my friends. You said you would do anything for aday." I hated myself that moment. I waved to Mj and Ned and gave them ahelp me look. "You don't have a choice, Carmen. Let's go." He lightlypushed me to their table, and I hesitantly sat down. "Why am I here?"Flash completely ignored my question. "Hey. This is my girlfriend,Carmen." I looked at him with disbelief. "You can't be serious rightnow!" He smirked. "Anything. Go with the flow babe." I nearlythrew up when he called me babe. "I'm not okay with this." Flashlooked kind of powerful. "I could just hit Penis Parker again. It's justfor a day." That's what I kept reminding myself while I was sitting withhim during lunch. It's just for one day.

Hello lovely people,
Thank you so much for reading this! I love you all!
X Lianne

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