Part 1

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It was almost the end of august and you were moving to your new house in plain view with your  drunk of a mother because of your dad's recent death, sounds great doesn't it.  Luckily your mom passed out most of the day and she works nights so you don't really have to deal with the overbearing parent thing. You are so far from your childhood home the thought of it makes you sick but it gives you a chance to start over at school socially and academically, you had always been deemed the freak at your old school and your grades were just barely passing. "So here we go, new life, new me, new everything, Y/N you got this." You say to yourself in the mirror of the gas station bathroom. You wash your hands and hop back into the car with your mom who took a day off drinking to drive (thank god) After she fills up the tank you leave and your new home is only about. 10 mins away.

"And we are here" says your mom

"Great" you try to make it seem genuine you know this is hard for her too

You grab a couple boxes and bring them inside and you overhear a conversation between your mom and an unfamiliar voice

(Hmmm a new neighbor probably, ehh who cares)

As you go look at your room to see where your going to be living for the next few years until you graduate you see someone in the window across the street a tall kinda skinny dark haired boy who looked a bit punk to you and you see him drumming a notebook with his headphones on

(Hmm Nice view)

Then you go back downstairs and help your mom with the rest of the boxes when an overeager woman approaches you and rapidly introduces herself

"Hey neighbor I'm Susan Heffley your mother was telling me about a few seconds ago Y/N, you know I have a son who's 17 just like you maybe he can show you around the school one it gets back in session" she said

"yeah sure sounds good" you say

"Well in the meantime I invited you and your mother over for dinner tonight. I'm sure you guys have had a long day and don't want to be bothered with cooking. We live right across the street. Will we see you then Y/N?" She asks

"Yeah of course you say" with a smile

(So the guy across the street is her son and he's my age cool not to mention I'm having dinner with their family tonight I better start unpacking some clothes then)

You and your mom finish bringing the boxes in and unpacking around 5:30 you didn't realize you got here that early the whole day was pretty much a blur

"Dinner at the Heffleys at 6 honey better start getting ready"

"Ok mom"

"Shit what am I going to wear" you mutter

You grab a pair of black ripped jeans and a Aerosmith t shirt put on mascara and eyeliner and chapstick and leave you hair down

Your mom was wearing the same shirt as earlier she just put some jeans on and a little bit of makeup she look exhausted

"You look cute hunny now let's go we don't want to be late"

"Thanks mom"

Your mom knocks on the door and immediately Mrs.Heffley opens it, it's almost like she had just been standing in front of it the whole time

Your mom then hands her the bottle of champagne she brought

"Thank you Kate" Mrs.Heffley says to your mom

"No problem it's the least I can do after you invited us for dinner"

Mrs.Heffley smiles and says "Please come into the kitchen and meet the rest of my family, this is frank my husband "nice to meet you", he holding my youngest manny he just turned two, and that's Greg he's 12 "hey", and that over in the corner is my oldest son rodrick he's 17 (he lets out a little smile).

Embarassing AF-Rodrick HeffleyxFem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now