Part 9

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It's 10 and you hear a tap at your door

"I thought you'd never come"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world"

You start kissing him until your sitting on the couch

"Do you want to" you ask

"For sure" he says back

He takes his shirt off and then you take yours off going back to making out his starts to squeeze your boobs and you whimper he begins to unbuckle his pants and you take off your pajama shorts and panties as he take off his boxers

You see he's already hard and he can tell your already wet when he slides his finger under you and begins to rub you moan

You start to strike his cock making it harder and then he sticks it in and you both moan loud

This time he's on top and he knows what he doing you arch your back as he pushes himself into you slow at first then faster and faster

"Oh my god rodrick"

"Gah babe your so tight"

You both keep moaning

"Make me cum baby he whispers in a moan in your ear"

He pulls out and crashes into you hard three


"I'm gonna cum babe" he moans as he thrusts into you as fast and as hard as he can

"Me too"

He grunts and you moan as you both cum together and just as he begins to pull out

"Y/F/N Y/M/N Y/L/N you stupid slut" your mom yells as she walks in on you and rodrick

"Get the fuck out of my house rodrick Heffley"

"Go rodrick please" you say as he looks at you worried

He puts his boxers on grabs his clothes then leaves out the front door

"Put your clothes on now Y/N"

You hurriedly put your clothes on with a frightened look on your face

Once your dressed your mom says

"God fucking dammit Y/N on my couch in my home I just thought I'd some home early to relax for a day and see how your day was at school and I find you like this"

"Mom I-"

"No don't say anything to me I told you once and I am not telling you again and this time I won't be sorry"


You begin to cry when your mom balls her fist and socks you in the face you fall to the floor shocked and crying then she gets down on top of you and keeps punching you in the face until your head hurt

"Stop mom please I'm so sorry" you cry out

She only stops when she busts your lip and gives you a black eye

"I doubt your boyfriend will want to sleep with your when your face looks like that, and i want you out of the house by the time I get home tomorrow I'm working the double shift so I won't see you in the morning and right now I'm going to the bar"

She grabs her jacket and keys and slams the door and as soon as you hear the car leave you scream


(My mom caught me having sex and now I have a black eye and a busted lip and then she kicks me out what the fuck am I going to do)

You start grabbing the boxes which thank goodness you haven't gotten a chance to throw them away yet and start packing your things once you get everything packed you put the boxes in the car

You grab the bottle of vodka from the fridge and just start drinking it straight it burns your lip there's only about half a bottle left you finish it and go to sleep at 12:55am you wake up at 3:00pm

You didn't bother waking up for school since you have to leave today and you might not be going there anymore

You grab the rest of the alcohol and put it in your trunk when you hear rodricks van arrive at his house you quickly run inside and grab some sunglasses just incase he saw you

Then you hear a knock on the door and it's rodrick so you quickly pull him in

"You really shouldn't be here right now your mom might see us"

"I know I just wanted to know if you were ok"

"Just leave meet me down the block in ten"


As soon as you finish putting all your stuff away you go meet rodrick down the block

"Let's not go anywhere I need to be home soon"

"Ok what's up tell me what happened"

"She kicked me out rodrick"

"What oh my god where are gonna go"

"I don't know I have a little bit of money that I saved up for college so I'm going to get a hotel for a few days but I think i'm gonna have to drop out of high school if I don't want to be homeless"

"Y/N i'm so sorry"

"It's not your fault im the one who invited you over and coerced you in to having sex"

"And I said yes ok it's neither of our faults it was just wrong place wrong time that's all"

"Why are you still wearing sunglasses" he says as he leans in closer to you "and what happened to your lip your mom didn't do that right"

You look away from him and say quietly yeah she did rodrick she punched me like a lot so you wouldn't think I was pretty anymore"

"Come on Y/N look at me please you will never not be pretty to me"

You turn to face him and he reaches to pull your sunglasses off

"Oh my god Y/N I can't believe she did that to you she busted your lip and gave you a black eye not to mention she's kicking you out we have to tell someone"

"No rodrick I can't what she decides to let me live with her again"

"Do you really want to live with her when she treats you like that"

"Look I don't know I just want to finish high school and have a place to live"

"I get that Y/N, I really do"

"I gotta go I'll call you later when I'm settled into the hotel ok"


"I love you Y/N" he says as out step out the van

"I love you too rodrick"

You get in your car and drive to the nearest hotel 

Embarassing AF-Rodrick HeffleyxFem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now