Part 10

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Rodricks pov

(Good fucking damnit how could a mother do that to their child, I have to tell my mom I know she can help I'll just leave out a couple details and it should be fine)

I parked the van in the driveway and find my mom eating a sandwich in the kitchen

"Mom I need to talk to you and it's really important ok and it's a big ask but just keep and open mind"

"Ok rodrick what is it"

"Well sam's mom caught me and Y/N together in her house and she got really upset she kicked me out, and Y/N didn't go to school today so I went to ask her what happened her mom had given her a black eye and busted her lip mom" a tears started falling down my face

"She kicked her out mom and now she doesn't have a place to stay she might have to drop out of high school mom I-I just want to help her mom I love her"

"Oh my god rodrick of course we can help her let me call the school and tell them and rodrick sam can live with us but she has to stay in the guest room and no sleeping together under my roof do you understand"

"Yes mom thank you let me tell her"

"Hello it's me rodrick"

"I told I'd call you when I got settled for goodness sake I just parked"

"We'll come back here my mom said you can stay in our guest room"

"Really oh my god thank you for telling her rodrick I was so scared I don't know what I would do without you"

"I'll see you when you get here Y/N"

Back to Y/N

You immediately pull out the driveway and rush back to rodricks house parking your car on the next block so your mom doesn't see it

You knock at the door and Mrs Heffley opens it and gasps

"Y/N I'm so sorry about what happened I want you to stay with us ok and don't worry I called the school and told them so you can still keep going and they'll help you out financially ok hunny"

"Thank you so much Mrs Heffley you saved my life literally"

"What do you mean"

"Well um im not going to lie I've been through a lot on the last year and mentally I've been struggling and that was my last straw as soon I checked into the hotel I was going to call rodrick and tell him that I love him and how much he means to me and then then I was going to kill myself"

"Oh my gosh Y/N im so sorry you felt that way i'm glad we could help"

You start crying into mrs Heffley

When you look up and see rodrick so you leave her and hug him tight

"You were really gonna do it Y/N"

"Yeah but you saved me rodrick" you cry

He cries too and they help you unload the boxes into your room

Embarassing AF-Rodrick HeffleyxFem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now