Part 2

654 12 11

Back to y/n

You were up all night thinking about how much you affect rodrick and how nervous you made him when you thought he was going to be the one making you nervous.

You just hang out in your room all day thinking about rodrick and trying to keep yourself busy when your mom shouts she's going to work

"Ok see you later mom" you yell back

It's around 8:30 and you decide you want to call rodrick when you remember you don't have his number so in a bold move you call the Heffley residence because you remember Mrs.Heffley giving the number to your mom

(I hope he picks up)

Mrs.Heffley picks up the phone and says "hello who is this"

"It's me Y/N, I was wondering if I could talk to rodrick"

"Oh of course give me one second and I'll go get him"

"Ok thanks"

"Hello" he says

"Hey it's me Y/N I'm gonna give you my phone number call me from your cell when I hang up ok"


You give him your number and wait for him to call hoping he goes back to his room do the conversation can be more private

*ring* *ring* *ring*

"Hello rodrick" you say

"Hey Y/N, so what did you call me for" he says

"Oh nothing much but your alone right no one can hear you"

You can hear his voice change and get shaken and nervous

"Yeah I'm in my room why"

"So many questions Heffley"

"And so little answers"

You let out a slight laugh

"Once your parents go to sleep, come to my house I wanna have some fun and don't worry my mom works nights so you don't have to be quiet.

"Ok I guess I'll see you later then"

(Wow you just invited a boy to your house to have some fun when your mom wasn't home bolder and bolder you are getting Y/L/N)

An hour later you hear a knock at your door (finally) you let out a sigh of relief the anticipation had been killing you

"Hey rodrick" you whisper using a slightly seductive tone trying to make him flustered again

It worked. You see his cheeks turn pink as you grab his hand and pull him into the house.

"So you invited me over for Some fun what exactly does that mean" he asks

You slowly back up into the kitchen and grab some items from the counter and pull them from behind you back

"Drugs and alcohol" he slightly scoffs

"Oh come on I thought you were cool and laid back maybe I should have invited your little brother he probably wouldn't be such a party pooper,"

"Hey that's not funny"

"You can leave if you want rodrick I was just kidding I would force you to something you didn't want to I'm not into all that peer pressure shit okay I'm sorry maybe I went a little too far," you found yourself over apologizing

"No it's not that it's just I've never really done stuff like that before and I have to go home after all this."

"You mean you've never had a drink or smoked weed, not that's a bad thing I just thought it was normal for the high school party experience."

"No I haven't and I don't really go to too many parties. I mean I've thrown one but I was too young to get any of that stuff."

"Oh well then we can just watch a movie if you want although I am going to drink I won't smoke because I don't want to give you contact high ok"

"Ok but maybe I will try a little bit of alcohol I mean I think I'm old enough now"

"Ok cool I'll get us some cups and a mixer it's almost unbearable without one"

"Here you go one screwdriver you you and one for me by the way that just means it's vodka and orange juice let me know it you need more juice ok"


You watch him take a sip and his face scrunches up in disgust

You giggle at his funny face a take a big swig of your drink the day had been rough emotionally

"So what do you think I mean I know you don't feel anything yet but was it what you thought it was going to be?

"Not at all and I feel all warm inside now is that normal"

"Completely normal don't worry I take care of you"

"Do you want to get drunk?"

"I've gone this far might as well"

"Ok then get drinking one glass should be enough for you since it's your first"

You bring over the rest of the orange juice just in case he needs to chase the drink with it.

You finish your class and he is still struggling with his as you pour yourself another

"So rodrick I don't really know much about you tell me something about yourself"

"Well I'm in a band called loded diper"

"Really that's so cool what kind of music do you play"

"Rock n ROLL baby and I play the drums"

You can tell he is already tipsy and loosening up you liked this side of him

"Now you tell me so,etching about you Y/N because I don't even know your last name"

"It's Y/L/N and I used to be known as the freak at my old school"

(Your loosening up too)

"No fucking way, why?"

"Well for starter I'm a slight stoner and I drink and I don't know I keep to myself most of the time or I do the complete opposite and people don't like that they like you to be in between"

"Oh well don't worry I'm not popular either I'm kind of a bad boy you know with being in a rock band you got to keep a certain reputation."

You laugh and he smiles back at you, you both finish your drink at the same time and decide to call it quits because both of your guises speeches sound slurred.

You help rodrick up the stairs and to your room because there is no way you can send him home like this

"Hey where are you taking me"

"My room, don't worry no funny business"

"I mean I wouldn't mind funny business"


He kisses you on the cheek and you are extremely surprised would he being doing this if he weren't drunk

You sit him down in your bed and he kisses your cheek again and says thanks for taking care of him.

"No problem"

You fall asleep next to each other 

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