Part 5

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You have just been sitting in bed all weekend occasionally crying and occasionally looking at rodrick through your window making sure he doesn't see you because looking at him might make you do something rash again (I.miss.him.)

You hear a knock at the door and your mom gets it then you hear Mrs heffleys voice

(Shit this is it)

They exchange a few words and then the door closes and you hear your mom say in a stern voice "Y/F/N Y/M/N Y/L/N get your stupid ass down hear now"

"Fuck" you mutter under your breath

Then you run downstairs and your mom is standing at the bottom waiting for you

"Y/N what the hell do you think your doing with that boy rodrick, going into his room knowing his family wasn't home and then after all that you were going to sleep with him I can't fucking believe you right now"

"Mom I'm sorry you whisper and I wasn't going to sleep with him i promise"

"Oh yeah sure heard that one before, why do you have to behave this way I let you have so many freedoms and then you go and do this we just moved here and your reputation is ruined again how can you be so ignorant"

"But mom please we weren't going to have sex we were just kissing please believe me" you whimper

Your mom slaps you across the face with the back of her hand causing her wedding ring to cut your cheek

You begin to tear up she had hit you before but never this hard

You run to your room

"Think twice next time Y/N" she shouts

You start bawling in your room you can barely handle what just happened and now you have to go to school with a cut on your face

You take some sleeping pills and sleep until your alarm goes off at 7:30am giving you enough time to get ready for school

You take a shower brush you hair and decide that your not going to wear any eye makeup today because you don't want to put anything near your cut

You put on some denim ripped jeans and a black tank top and a brown flannel grab your backpack and keys then you head to school

You make sure to leave before rodrick does because you don't want him to see what your mom did to you and think that you did it to yourself besides you already said that you were secret boyfriend and girlfriend

(Ok Y/N you got this new school new you, just try to lay low and draw to much attention to yourself)

You go to the office and you grab your schedule from one off the counselors along with a map of the school it would be nice if rodrick you show you around but he can't know about what happened for a while until your figure some way to hide it

You have seven classes this year and you have a free period since your a senior

Rodricks pov

I've been thinking about Y/N all weekend her lips her body the way she speaks and the way she looks at you but you can't see her and it sucks (I.miss.her)

It's Saturday night only two more days until I get to see her

Then I hear mom mom come up the stairs to see me

"Rodrick I'm going to Y/N's house to go talk to her mother and I still don't want you to talk to her this weekend ok but I will give you your phone back"

"Ok I understand"

"And I'm checking your texts on Monday to make sure you kept your promise"

"Got it"

She leaves the room and i sigh (poor Y/N she's in for it)

About ten minutes later I hear my mom come back inside the house and this time she doesn't speak to me

(This is torture now I'm not going to know what happened to Y/N until Monday)

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