Part 3

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The sun hits your face and you begin to wake up

(Shit rodrick) you blacked out hard you wanted to sneak him home earlier than this you glance at the clock and it is already 9:00

"Rodrick wake up we gotta get you home now"

"Wait wha- did we you know"

"No but you kissed me on the cheek a couple times I thought it was sweet"


"Yeah you know after last night I think I really like you rodrick"

"You do because I like you too"

"Well then can I leave you with something"

"Yeah sure what"

"Don't be mad ok"


You inch closer to rodrick putting your lips on his neck and kissing it then sucking it you give him one hell of a hickey then you kick him out and yell "good luck Heffley call me later"

Rodricks pov

He still feels a bit dazed from last night and the hickey Y/N gave him made him go crazy. He didn't know how to hide from his parents or Greg the blabbermouth so he decided to play sick.

"Rodrick come time for breakfast"

"Mom I don't feel good I think I'm catching a cold" he fakes a sneeze and sniffles

"Oh honey that's Ok well I bring your breakfast here but we were gonna go to the mall today do you think you'll be fine on your own"

"Yeah" he lets out a fake cough

Ok then hunny we are leaving right after breakfast we'll bring you some dinner and maybe you can invite Y/N and she can bring you something to eat her mom said she's a good cook and that she's home all the time I think it would be good for you guys to get to know each other better before you start school"

"Ok mom I will thanks" he says raspily

(Thank god she didn't see the hickey)

(Y/N Y/N Y/N her name sound beautiful in my head even better when I look in the mirror and I see what she left for me it might get me in trouble but I think it's worth it)

After his parents leave he calls Y/N and tells her that she can come over because they'll have the house to themselves

Back to Y/N

(So rodrick faked being sick and now you get to be alone with him again I must be the luckiest t person alive)

My moms knocked out so I leave her a note on the fridge telling her I'll be gone for the day at the heffleys

I walk across the street and before I could knock I see him smirking a me in the doorframe

"Come on in Y/N it's my turn to host"

"Lets go to my room"

Rodricks pov

(Wow I didn't think she would actually agree to all this I mean I know I went in her room that's different girls are different and she's different)

"So you like what you see" I say gingerly

"Yeah it's cool your nirvana poster is sick it's one of my favorite bands" she says excitedly

"Ok favorite song 1...2...3....Go" I say

"Come as you are" we both exclaim

"Wow rodrick guess we have a lot in common"

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