Part 7

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As soon as third period is over it's free period so you walk to your car and just hand out there and listen to music for the hour that you have trying no to think about everything that happened

The bell rings and startle you and you walk slowly to your next class still listening to music and doodling in your notebook instead of taking notes

Before you know it it's time for lunch and your starving you didn't eat breakfast

You go to the lunch line grab a carton of milk and a chocolate chip cookie and your about to head out the cafeteria so you can eat in your car but then heather walks up to you

"Hey slut"

"Stop calling me that bitch"

"Calm down be a good girl you're used to it aren't you"

"Fuck off heather"

You begin to feel eyes staring at you not realizing how Loud you said that

You cheeks get hot

"Did rodrick do that to you when you fucked" she exclaims while looking at your cheek

"What no he would never do that"

Now you really know everyone's looking

"Get away from me, why can't you just leave me alone"

"Don't blame me blame your boyfriend I'm just getting payback"

Everyone laughs

"Where is he anyway, oh maybe it was a one night stand, come on spit it out was it, you slut"

Everyone goes silent for a second eager to hear the answer

(Where is rodrick when you need him)

"It wasn't ok he is my boyfriend and I think your just jealous"

"I am not jealous your "boyfriend" is the school freak he's ugly, disgusting, and nobody likes him or that stupid band he's in"

"You better watch your mouth that's my boyfriend your talking about" you yell as you slap her in the face

You see rodrick walk in stunned you run to him telling him to go to his car

You arrive and sit in his car schools almost over so you can leave now but you don't you just sit in the car and look at each other

"What was that about" he asks confused

"You" you say back

"She told everyone and now I'm the slut who fucked the freak"

"Oh Y/N I'm sorry I know you wanted to keep it a secret but I was scared and I needed to know you honing to be alright I needed to talk to you"

"I know I was scared too but it's all out in the open now"

"Tell your mom you have band practice after school and I meet you down the block after I pull my car in ok then I'll tell you everything"

"Ok bye Y/N"

"Bye rodrick" you say as you open the door and leave his car

You walk over to your car get in and drive away

Once you arrive home you pull your car into the driveway and start walking down the block and find rodrick and his van waiting for you

"Let's get lunch I didn't have time to eat"

"Ok how's denny's sound"

"That's good with me"

You stare out the window the rest of the way not wanting to say anything just yet

Then you both walk in and sit across from each other in a booth

"Lets order first then we'll talk I don't want the waitress interrupting us"

"Yeah ok"

The waitress comes up to you and you both order and wait for your food

After a few minutes it arrives a you begin to talk

"Sooo look rodrick I'm really sorry about earlier and everything I said ok I was just hurt and I don't know I've never been in a relationship before so I just thought maybe this is how I was supposed to handle the situation" you say rapidly

"It's okay Y/N you don't need to apologize I just want to know why you told me to stay away" he says sympathetically

"It because I hated that I got you in trouble with your mom and then I hated that I got myself in trouble with my mom and I just didn't know how to tell you about what happened so I tried to hide it but of course you saw and it was still hard for me to explain I wanted to tell you but I didn't want you to feel bad"

"Y/N you can tell me anything and it would never hurt me unless you said that you wanted to break up"

"After your mom came over to talk to my mom she yelled at me and she hit me hard harder than she ever had rodrick she cut my face with her ring"

"Oh sam I'm so sorry"

He gets up to your side of the booth because he sees you beginning to cry he grabs you and you cry in his arms

"She's hit me before rodrick but never like that never with so much anger you you could see the hatred in her eyes"

"Oh babe I'm sure she does hate you she was just worried about you but she shouldn't have hit you if you ever need help I'm sure my mom could help you out if it ever gets bad ok Sam I'm here for you"

"Thank you rodrick I don't deserve you"

"Yes you do"

"Now come on go back to your side before we look like the weirdos that sit on the same side of the booth" you giggle

"Ok let's eat"


You finish eating and rodrick gets the check then you go back to the car and he gets a call from his mom

"Be home soon honey your still in trouble"

"Alright mom I'm on my way"

"You never told me what heather did to warrant a slap"

"She called you a freak and me a slut and said that your band sucks and what really made me angry is when she called you ugly and disgusting."

"Damn babe you stood up for me like that" he says right as we arrive at the block before yours

He parks the car and leans in for a kiss

You break it and say "sneak over to mine tonight ok"


He says as you jump out the van

Embarassing AF-Rodrick HeffleyxFem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now