Part 11

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*two weeks later*

There's a for sale sign in front of your moms house and her car is gone because she moved out two days after she kicked you out

She till doesn't know that you live with the heffleys because they let you leave your car in the garage and have rodrick drive you

Your still going to the same school but it's much better this time because Heather isn't bothering you and she didn't tell on you either

You and rodrick are public

Rodricks parents have been tutoring you on you and you finally maintain a b average so does rodrick

Everything's getting better


"Wow sam you look incredible" he says as he looks at you in aw

"You don't look to bad yourself Heffley"

Your wearing a dress and he's wearing a suit with an extravagant top underneath which quite a few buttons are undone

Then he pulls you in for a kiss

His mom calls for you both to come down so she can take pictures before you graduate

FF One summer LATER

You and rodrick have been working all summer in order to save up to get you an apartment so you can live together while you go to college

Luckily you saved up enough and you both got in to plain view community college

And you live together happily ever after

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