Part 4

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(Holy fuck what am I going to do at least I have till tomorrow to think about it since my mom isn't home yet why do I get myself into these situation, I dare you take your shirt off are you kidding me and not to mention I dare you to make out with me I hate myself it's all my fault he's in trouble)

You rush to your room grab a joint and start sobbing while you take hits and you make sure to close the window so rodrick doesn't see you

*phone buzzes*

RODRICK💗: Y/N this is Mrs.Heffley I think that it is best that you keep away from rodrick until school starts and after I allow you two to see each other again you must always have supervision and young lady if you must start engaging in those types of activities you might want to start taking birth control, I will call your mother later and I will be keeping rodricks phone for a while so don't bother trying to contact this number unless you need me.

ME💕: Yes Mrs.Heffley I completely understand and I am sorry about everything that happened. My mom is off Sunday if you would like to speak to her in person.

You look at what it is realizing  it's still early you checked your phone to see what time rodrick had invited you over 9:30am you look at your clock and it's only one thirty you decide to take a nap the weed was hitting and you were mentally drained you wake up at 9:13pm and decide that Mrs Heffley means right but you really like rodrick and you thought that nothing could keep you away from him so you decide to climb the tree next to his window and sneak in to his house

You tap on the window and he stares with his eyes bulging out of his head

" what are you doing my mom said"

"I know what she said just please I need you and she's not going to stop us no matter how hard she  tries"

You reach for his hand and he tries to pull you inside but you shake your head No and he realizes you want him to come with you but first you tell him

"Tell your mom you have band practice in the morning so you'll probably be gone before she wakes up ok."


He goes to tell her and you sit in the tree patiently

Then he comes back and you pull him out with you

"Come on I'm driving because your van is suspicious"

"Where are we going"

"You'll see"

"But don't let me forget to go back and get your van before your parents wake up"

"Got it"

You drive to an abandoned park with a small parking lot and one streetlight

"Why are we here" rodrick asks

"To finish what we started"


"Rodrick I saw your situation earlier when I gave you a hickey and took of my shirt"

"I'm ready and I want to but only if you want to ok"

"I want to Y/N"

You climb over to his side sit on his lap and kiss him and then you thrust the seat back

"Hey um not to ruin the mood but don't we need a condom"

"Your not ruining the mood and I'm on birth control and I have plan b just in case so we're good"

"God your hot when your worried rodrick"

You kiss him harder and move your hand under his shirt feeling his chest then you lift it off of him and he does the same to you

Embarassing AF-Rodrick HeffleyxFem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now