Part 6

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FF to Monday

I get up around 7:45 take a quick shower and russel my a hair a bit I put on some eyeliner grab my backpack and keys and head out the door and that when I see that's Y/N's car is already gone

(Damn I was hoping I could see her before school)

I arrive to school and see her car parked in the lot and it gives me the most wonderful flashbacks but then I remember I'm at school and how embarrassing would it be to get hard right now

I think about Y/N and what she might be wearing today one of the many things I like about her is her style she's always in a cute band tee and ripped jeans that show off just enough of her legs

(God I need to stop thinking about her before I cum in my pants)

I have seven classes and a free period (thank god for being a senior)

I go through my first two classes disheartened because I Y/N wasn't in either of them I never thought about if she was smart or not so we might not have any classes together if she is

Then the bell rings and it's time for third period and there she is sitting in the back of the class with her hand slightly covering her face (I think I found my new favorite class)

Y/n pov

Rodrick had slipped your mind during your classes because you were nervous that someone was going to ask about your face but you'd been covering it with your hand the whole day so no one had really asked

The bell rings and you head to your third period and to the back of the class

Then a couple minutes later you see rodrick waltz in with a smug smile on his face.

(Shit shit shit)

You were hoping that he was smarter than he looked so you wouldn't have any classes together but you should have known that wasn't going to be the case

"Hey stranger" hey says as he sits down next to you


(Gotta pretend like you don't know him remember)

"You live across the street from me right" he asks

"Yeah, I'm Y/N by the way"

"I'm rodrick"

You feel everyone's eyes on you too once the conversation ends

You know exactly what they are thinking what is is he doing talking to her

The teacher announces the work and that these will be your seats for the rest of the year so that you should get comfortable

You glance over at rodrick and he looks pleased

(Fuck me, I mean I do really like rodrick but with everything that happened with my mom and everything that happened with his mom it just makes me feel bad because I don't want to keep hurting people that mean a lot to me)

Class is almost over and you try to get up and leave before he can see your gone

Then before you can he puts a note in your hand

You run out the classroom

Rodricks pov

I am so happy I get to sit next to her the whole year plus when I looked at her schedule we have the same free period which is even better than having a class together

I see her hurrying trying to put her stuff away and realize she is going to leave as quick as she can so I quickly write something down and put the note in her hand

The note said meet me in the upstairs girls bathroom, nobody ever uses that one

She clenches the note in her hand and runs out the second the bell rings

(What was that about I hope she reads it before so we can talk)

I go upstairs and sneak into the girls bathroom to see Sam in their waiting for me

"Let's go in the handicap stall just in case someone decides to come in here" I say

"Ok" she says timidly

(Why is she acting weird)

She still has her hand in front of her face even though she doesn't know that I already say the mark on her cheek

"Hey look Y/N it's ok I already say the cut on your cheek and you don't have to tell me about if you don't want to but it just seems like your hurting and I want to help"

"It fine rodrick I'm fine ok just don't worry about it" she says in a rude tone

"Hey hey now look I'm just want to help"

"There's nothing you can do to make me feel better ok and maybe you should stay away from me for a while" she says abruptly

"You know I can't stay away from you and I know you can't stay away from me just tell me what's wrong"

The bathroom door opens quietly

"I slept with you and now my mom thinks I'm a slut and I enjoyed it ok which makes me feel even worse about, I can't talk about this right now besides I have to go to class"

"I sorry Y/N your not a slut no matter what anyone says"

She runs out the bathroom with her eyes closed

Heather hills is standing in the bathroom looking in the mirror with a smug look on her face

The I walk out of the bathroom and see her

"Fucking shit did you hear all that" I ask

"Yeah and you and your little girlfriend are gonna be talked about all over the school Heffley this is payback for you ruining my sweet 16 loser" she smirks

Then she leaves the bathroom

I just stand there and look in the mirror

"This is the last thing Y/N wanted" I say as I look in the mirror

You leave the bathroom and head to class (good at least I'm not late)

Back to Y/n

You had just ran out the bathroom and went to a different one to dry your tears

When a tall skinny blonde girl walks in

"Hey slut"


"I heard you talking to rodrick in the bathroom"

"Oh my god please just don't tell anyone"

"Don't you know who I am" she says confidently

"No" I say meekly

"I'm heather hills, really your boy toy didn't tell you about how he ruined my sweet 16 last year"

"No I-"

"Wait your the new kid Y/N Y/L/N aren't you"

(Shit she knows my name and has a reason to tell everyone)


"See you later Y/L/N"

"Wait please don't-"

She walks out and leaves you alone in there

"Fuck this place" you mutter and then walk to your class and lucky for you rodrick isn't there

Embarassing AF-Rodrick HeffleyxFem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now