Chapter 5

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"Not much."

"Well, tell me what you do know," I whispered, voice low but urgent. He cocked an eyebrow suspiciously, but didn't protest.

"I remember Lis and I fighting. It got bad. There was yelling...objects flying...but I can't remember what we were fighting over." He rubbed his temples helplessly, and I sighed, crouching down beside him.

"Hey," I greeted, rubbing his back. "It'll get better. I promise."

"LUCY COME GET THE DOOR!" Lisanna yelled, voice ringing through the halls of the apartment.

Groaning, I stood up. I stormed over to the door, annoyed mainly at Lis for not telling me what was going on and for putting Natsu in such a situation. As the door flew open I shouted, "whoever the hell you are, leave. No one cares about you or your shi--GRAY?!"

He rubbed his neck. "Oi, nice to see you, too."

"Gray!" I squealed, throwing my arms around him. He hugged back, chuckling nervously. "Eh, Gray you're back?"

Gray looked up in surprise to see Natsu. "You two live together now? Ooo, are you two marri--"

"I'm his wife, actually." Lisanna said, suddenly coming out of no where, slinging an arm around Natsu's neck, pulling him close to peck him on the cheek.

"Oh. You."

Lisanna scowled. "What do you mea--"

"Anyways, I wanted to see if you two wanted to catch up? I swung by Levy's place earlier and asked where Natsu lives; which is how I'm here."

I nodded. "Let's go! Where should we go, actually?"

"Don't they have that new venue that opened up just a lil' east of here?"

Lisanna gawked as we continued to talk, her presence seemingly absent. "Guys! Stop! Natsu is my husband. I decide who he hangs out with. And he can't go; we have a family thing to do. I'm going to get scanned." She said, pointing to her stomach.

Natsu sighed. "Sorry, guys. Maybe next time?"

I mustered the biggest smile I could offer. "I'm hoping for a girl!" Gray laughed beside me. "Am I already this old?"

Then I walked out of the doorway, and almost as soon as I'd stepped out, the door slammed with a bang behind me, so close I could feel the ground tremble beneath me. "Stepsis mad?"

I shrugged. "She just wants to spend some time with him, I guess."

"Hey. Cheer up. Why don't I take you to the lake, hmm?" I could feel myself smile. "Really? I haven't been in so long!"

He nodded and together we walked out to the parking lot, out to his truck; a baby blue Chevy. "New paint job?" I remarked as I hopped into shotgun. "Yep. Glad you noticed."

The ride to the lake was shockingly quiet, me humming along to the radio as Gray just drove and listened, smiling now and then, like he was reminiscing on an old, fond memory.

When we arrived I jumped out, already running to the waters. Gray caught my hand, making me stop. "Oi, you need a towel, y'know."

I smiled sheepishly before accepting one from him. Then we together walked to the waters, right beside one another, towels slung over our backs. "So how's it been so far?" I asked, voice hesitant, knowing I was approaching uncharted territory. "Without...her?"

He stopped suddenly, the wind playing with his raven hair. His eyes had suddenly turned cold. "Gray," I whispered, immediately regretting ever asking. "I'm sorr--"

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