Chapter 11

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Lisanna trickled a slim finger down my arm, making the hairs on my neck stand on end. "Natsuuu," she whispered in my ear, carrying out my name with a long whine. "I'm hungry."

"So," I said, already beginning to turn our car around. "I assume that I'll be taking you back to the same restaurant for the third time to spend even more money?"

She shook her head. "No. I want to go wherever Lucy is going." Her words were so casual, like something a normal sister might say, and even so I could feel my heart beating fearfully in my chest, muscles beginning to tense.

Where Lucy was.


(Flash back to where I left you off at last chapter, Natsu's P.O.V.)


Lucy jumped, startled, as Levy charged toward us, leaving Mirajane in the dust. "We were all waiting for you!" She cried, nails digging into her arm. "I thought, like, a serial killer had kidnapped you or something! But--"

"She was with Natsu?"

My head turned to come to face the familiar voice. Mirajane stood tall and elegant, right arm firm on her hip, portraying the model she was. Levy turned toward me too, at last acknowledging my presence.

Mira applied a thick coat of gloss before continuing, "So, do tell me, what have you two been up to as we were waiting for our scandalous little friend here to show up, or send us a text at the very least?" Mira's words held a suggestive tone and a quiet anger that hid behind everything she said or did. I saw Lucy's face flush as she was called out.

"We were just hanging out! Y'know, I didn't realize it got so late--"

Mira let out a low whistle, smirking. "They say time flies when you're having fun, LuLu," she mused, poking her friend playfully in the ribs.

"You guys are terrible." She murmured.

"We know!" They chanted in unison, as if this wasn't the first time they'd been called out.

Meanwhile I sat quiet, observing this..."girl behavior." It really was interesting. "Natsu!" Lucy whined at last. "Help me!"

I stroked my chin, deep in thought. "Do you think it'd be possible for me to be able to study Girls?"




I don't even have to turn around to know who's behind me, who's eyes, concealing a deep, sickening hatred burn my backside.

Laki, Kiana, and Lisanna. Their voices were nearly identical, each having that sharp girly pitch you'd hear all of those cliché stuck-up high school girls have. Reluctantly, I turned around, and as soon as I did so, Lisanna broke into heaving sobs, her two friends quick to comfort her.

"N-Natsu! I came all the way out here, our baby still inside of me, to hear that you want to study girls?" She hiccuped. "Am I not good enough?" She spat the words out, still struggling with the tears that had suddenly erupted.

I could feel the questioning stares from Lucy, Mira and Levy on my back, as if they were wondering if this was for real. But although I could feel those, Laki and Kiana's hateful glares seemed to pierce me, guilt running through every bone in my body.

I really should spend more time with Lis.

"Oi, oi, it was just a joke, Hun," I promised, words carefully chosen. "You're perfect." I bent down to rub Lisanna's back, and slowly I felt her muscles begin to relax. She wiped her tears, and soon enough, there weren't any. That was fast.

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