Chapter 17

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"Luce?" The boy questioned, short pink hair shadowing much of his young face. A blonde girl beside him turned to face the boy. "Yes?"

"When you're with the person you you feel...happy? Or sad?"

"Eh, Natsu?" Lucy asked, face growing a color that matched her friend's hair. "Why would you be sad?"

"What if they don't love you back?"

Silence hung in the air, and Lucy swallowed, her flushed face regaining natural color.

"I don't know, Natsu," she whispered, voice low and hollow. "But whenever I'm with the person that I love, I feel happy."

Natsu smiled, obviously satisfied with his 5 year-old crush's answer. "Yah. I do too."


A man finally answered the door; not looking pleased to see me, not in the slightest. His lips were curved upward in a tight, forced smile, eyes cold and hard.

"I need to see your daughter."

His smile faded, but kept a cheery tone as he exclaimed, "Oh! Natsu...what a lovely surprise. Simply lovely."

"Father. Stop it."

Lucy pushed her way through her father to greet me, avoiding my gaze.

She was beautiful.

She wore a long scarlet dress that blanketed her body down to her heels, and her hair seemed to drift down her back, giving her an almost angel-like appearance. But despite all of this, she didn't seem...happy.

Lucy wasn't smiling, she wasn't laughing or even greeting me with the usual sarcastic remark. It was almost like she was a dove, a beautiful white dove that had her wings clipped.

It hurt to think of her like that.

"Natsu, you should go," she whispered. "Just leave. I'm fine here. I'm safe here."


"You heard her. Leave or be taken by force, Dragneel." Lucy's father snapped all traces of his once forced happy tone now gone.

"I can't-"

"Lisanna is waiting for you to return. She misses you very much, Natsu." Lucy said, though her voice was soft and distant, like a dream. "She loves you."

And as I was escorted away, the words replayed in my head.

She loves you.

And I couldn't help but wonder if those words she spoke were meant for Lisanna or for her.


(Lucy's P.O.V.)

The door shut with a slam behind me and I rubbed my bare arms, suddenly cold. Then I collapsed to the floor and cried big, heaving sobs.

My head hurt.

My heart hurt.

Father watched me as I cried, watching me with a look of disgust and disdain. "Honestly. Do you lack composure?"

I stood back up, wiping at my reddened eyes and I couldn't help but think, why.

Why did I get dragged into this?

Why me?

"Can I just...can I just leave now?" I sniffled, blinking to clear the tears.

"Fine. But remember this." He leaned in close, and I immediately flinched, recoiling. He shot me a hateful glare before continuing, "Tell Pinky anything I said, anything, and I'll tell him every little secret of yours. I will drag you down with me."

I nodded weakly, too tired and distraught to care much.

I shoved some clothes in a bag, still blinking away any tears. Then slinging it over my shoulder I marched out, though much of my usual happy, cheery spirit was now gone.

I felt drained.


(Natsu's P.O.V.)

That wasn't the Lucy I knew.

Something was definitely wrong here, something felt off, something was off. I knew it. Lucy must too.

But what was it?


(??? P.O.V.)

I waited right outside the gates for her. I watched her carefully, taking note of every detail; the way her eyes were glazed with fresh tears, how her back slumped with the weight of her pack.

I watched. I waited.

Then I pounced.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter and lack of updates! Writers block! Plus this chapter definitely isn't one of my best, since I wrote it in under 15 minutes. But next chapter should I include some flashbacks to young NaLu, when they were kids? Just an idea. Happy shipping!


-Who was watching Lucy?

-Will Natsu find out? How will he react?

-What will happen to Lucy?

-Where is Lucy going to go?

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