Chapter 18

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Dear Diary,

I love him very much. To me, he is perfect. My world-though maybe that's a bit too cliché.

Personally, I never was the romantic. After all, who could love a girl like me?

So much has happened in my lifetime...and the memories don't make me anymore excited for the future.

If Father finds out, finds out about him, I'm afraid of what'll happen. I know he messes with the plan.

And yet...never before have I felt so close to someone. I need to tell him the truth. Soon.

I need to tell him; my love, Bixslow.


(A/N: This is an old diary entry :D kinda like a flashback.)


-Lucy's P.O.V.-

"Sting! What the hell?! You scared the crap outta me!" I shrieked, pushing him off me. Gah, guys were so stupid.


Bending down to pick up my bag I'd dropped I shot him a deadly glare. "Save your breath. I don't want to hear it." He sighed.

I was about to spin on my heel and leave with whatever dignity I had left, before he spoke up, his voice soft and careful. "You shouldn't listen to him, Lucy. There are many more things aren't aware of."

Listen to who?


But when I turned around, he was already gone.


-Natsu's P.O.V.-

Lucy walked through the door, and I was glad to see that she was finally home and away from that other house. She belonged here.

"Luce, where have you been? I've stayed up hours waiting."

"Natsu..." She whispered, words cracking as she spoke, "I'm leaving."

"L-Leaving? To where? Why? What if...if we never see one another again? You can't."

Lucy's eyes welled up with tears. "You don't understand. No one does."

"Then make me! Make me understand! Why are you leaving so suddenly?" I knew my voice was rising, but I couldn't help it. It hurt to think how easily she was about to be ripped from me. "Did he say something?"

"My father is none of your business. He's a good man, just looking out for me."

My fists, once clenched, lost all tension.

He's a good man.

What was I saying? What was she saying? My brain was all jumbled-more then usual.

"Lucy, do you remember a long time ago when the two of us told each other something?"

Lucy, already shoving some of her scattered items into a suitcase, looked up at me. But she didn't say anything.

That was fine. I already knew my answer. I already knew, from the moment that I spoke those words that because of the way she smiled as I did so that they would never be forgotten.

"I do."

I smiled, just a small, cracked smile. Nothing would change her mind. She was leaving.

I crouched beside her, playing with strands of carpet. "Why are you leaving?"

She pushed her suitcase to the side and sighed. "It's for the better, Natsu. If I stay here..." The blonde shook her head, biting her lip to keep from tearing up. "Nothing good will come out of it. Trust me."

"Do you really, though? Trust me?" I asked.

"Of course I do."

The way her words were chosen so quick without hesitation made my heart race in an unusual way.

"Fine, then. If you trust me, why should I doubt you?"

My back collided into the couch as she threw herself to hug me, her long, slender arms squeezing me tight. I hugged her back with all the strength I could muster.

When she drew back, I felt myself go limp against the couch.

But she was smiling.

Her once glassy eyes danced in such a way that I couldn't help but smile, too.

"Thank you, Natsu. For everything."

And as she picked up her suitcase, the sound of the wheels rolling across pavement will forever remind me of that day.

The day I smiled through the tears.

A/N: End of Book One! XD Hope you guys enjoyed reading this as much as I liked writing it. Don't know when the sequel will come out, or even if there will be a sequel. Have a good evening and Happy Shipping!

||This whole book is STILL unedited||

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