Chapter 10

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"Kya! Those flowers are so pretty!"

I chuckled. The Sun was still high over our heads, reflecting on her already golden hair, making it shine even more then usual. We walked down the sidewalk, occasionally doing some window shopping.


I looked at Lucy, smiling sheepishly. "I was just...thinking."

Her face suddenly grew solemn, smile faltering, as if she was used to doing such things; that never ended well.

The silence hung and yet we walked, through the crowds of people. "It's packed, ain't it?"

"Isn't it," she corrected, and I was relieved to see she was back to her smart-ass giggly self. "Ooo! Natsu, we should go to the playground!"

"The playground?" I echoed, voice hollow. "Which one? The new one or--"

"You really are dense." She teased, voice having a certain lilt to it. "Dense?" I repeated.

She smiled, in a sad, wistful sort of way. "Yah. But that's what I like about you." She said hurriedly, so quick and quiet I wondered if I'd even heard anything at all. "But c'mon! Let's go!"


(Lisanna's P.O.V.)

I slipped my clothes on, and borrowed Bicklow's bathroom to comb out any knots or tangles in my hair. He comes up behind me, and snakes an arm around me, pulling me into a tight embrace. "Lis," he whispers, and Natsu's nickname for me makes my body tense.

Noticing this, he pulls away. "I forgot. About him." He speaks of Natsu with a dissatisfied hitch in his voice, but not discontentment.

"It's fine," I whisper, setting down the brush and hugging his bare chest. "I love you anyways."

He laughs, giving me a quick peck on the head. "Does he have any idea?"

I giggle. "No. He has no idea, hun, I promise."

Then Bickslow sighs, and I can feel his chest heave. "I just wish...we could get married. For real."

I frown. "Soon. It's just...give me some time. To...figure things out."


(Lucy's P.O.V.)

I let out a whoop of laughter. "Higher, Natsu, higher!"

He pushes the swing more, and I can feel the wind blowing my face, running through my hair, the only thing between me and the ground a small, thin swing and open air. It makes me

Gradually the swings slows, and I dig my feet into the mulch, making it come to a complete stop. "Well, I got my workout today." Natsu grins, flexing.

I punch him playfully, and he reels back, pretending to be in pain. "Ow, Luce!" He whines. "That hurt! You have to pay for dinner to make up for it."

Before I can protest, Natsu beeps. Or, rather, his phone does.

"It's Lis." Natsu says with a fading smile. "She's asking me to come home and pick you up." He snuck his phone back into his pocket, grinning slyly. "So, Ms. Heartfilia, where were you s'possed to be today?"

I smacked my fore head, the realization smacking me like a ton of bricks. "The mall! Levy invited me to go with Mira and the others! Ugh, I totally forgot..."

"I wonder why?" He teases playfully, although just balling a fist gets him to shut up.


Oh shit. I'm so screwed.


(? P.O.V.)

I angrily slam a stack of papers on my desk, sending various items to scatter. I scowl.

"STING!" I roar.

A blonde man enters, fidgeting with his hair, it being obvious he'd rather not be here. "S-sir..."

"Can you not do one simple job?" I hiss, making him recoil. A woman also enters, one of which I know of, and despise.

Her short, white hair curls in to her face, making her look shy and timid; her exact personality. She grips Sting's hand, and I see as her face begins to flush. "I'm dating Sting-Sama, sir. So he can't do what you as--"

"Shut up!" I yell, banging a fist on the table. Yukino flinches, frightened. "You will do as I ask, Sting, with your blessing or not. You will do this or your family will be the ones to pay the ultimate price."

He casts Yukino a sad, helpless look, and she frowns, kissing him on the cheek. "Gokouun o inorimasu," she whispers.

Good luck.

And he'll need it.

A/N: sorry for the short chapter. But I hope you guys enjoy, nevertheless! Happy Shipping!


-Will Natsu find out about Lisanna's affair? If so, what'll happen?

-Who was that person commanding Sting? (I bet you can guess). What does he/she want, and what'll happen to Sting?

-What did Lisanna mean by 'figure things out'? And if she doesn't love Natsu, then why is she married to him?


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