Glowing x - Chapter 15 - Guilt.

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Amy’s PoV

I shut the car door and started to walk up the long, winding path to the little cottage I call home. My clutch bag tightly gripped in my right hand and my shoes in the other due to the blisters starting to form on my aching feet. The gravel from the path dug into my soles, ripping at my brand new silky smooth skin coloured tights and attacking the sensitive skin. I was surprised I didn’t pass out from both agony of my aching limbs and the painful thoughts circling my brain like goldfish in a bowl. Alas unlike a goldfish I didn’t have the release of a short memory span so the thoughts kept spinning. I reached the door and quickly unlocked it before walking inside. It was then I let my composure slip. Kicking the door shut with a throbbing foot and throwing the items I was holding to the floor I collapsed in a sprawling, sobbing heap. What have I done?

Today was officially the worst day of my life. Dramatic I know, but it is definitely a main contender for the position! It started off like any other day as a new dumpee. I got up, wallowed in a bath of my own misery, got dressed, ate chocolate and then put on a mask. Not a literal mask, a metaphorical one. The sort that makes even the people that know you the most think you’re ok. Which I really wasn’t. Only last night I found out the love of my life had cheated on me. Not just once but many times. When he told me during our drunken row it was as if he had fired a gun at my heart and left me for dead. I screamed at him and called him every name under the sun. My screeching only succeed in one thing, angering him. Due to my drunken state I wasn’t ready for his palm suddenly colliding with the side of my face, making me topple to the ground in a position very similar to the one I’m in now. How could he do that to me? After all we’d been through he would do that to me. I’d do anything for him, anything. And I thought he’d do the same for me. How wrong was I? I let out a pained, humourless laugh between my shallow sobs.

He said I deserved everything I got from then on. That it was my fault for being in love with Danny. He had no right. He knew me and Danny were just friends and that I’d set my feelings aside so I could be with Ben. I love Ben, not Danny. But now they both despise the very air I breathe!

As I lie on the floor wailing like a baby, my dog, Archie, comes and sniffs my head in the most comforting way he can manage. However I’m not in the mood for comfort apart from that of superficial means. Alcohol. I need it! I need to feel the burn of vodka to caress my stinging throat. I need to drink away my problems. I need the lulling forgetfulness only a drunk state can provide. I need to be nursed back into health by the only thing left to trust. Yes, I must drink away my problems.

But then again I’ll feel worse for it in the morning and alcohol was the thing that started this whole hurtful spiral of events. So if alcohol isn’t the solution what is?

Then it hits me like a ton of bricks. I leap from my heap on the floor, surprising Archie who was still tenderly sniffing my auburn locks, and ran -well hobbled- into the kitchen. Quickly I rummage through all the wall cupboards and within seconds I have found my cure. A weak smile graced my swollen lips as I delicately reach up and grabbed my medicine. A family sized bar of galaxy chocolate!

I know, I know very pathetic and girly of me but its galaxy! Here’s my thoughts; Alcohol= Argument, Argument= Break up, Break up= Sad Amy, Sad Amy= Need for chocolate, Need for chocolate = Galaxy, Galaxy= Happy Amy. Its a win win situation! Well not for the galaxy as I’m gonna eat it but yanno...

Carefully I peel back the wrapper and break of a square of the world’s most amazing chocolate. I open my mouth and place it on my tongue...dear god! This stuff is sooo good! I’m feeling better already! Galaxy, fixing broken hearts since 1960!

After finishing off two bars of chocolate in a very unladylike manner I decided to have a nice relaxing bath and think things through. So I grabbed a small glass of the cheapest white wine left in the fridge and set about preparing the bath water. I know I promised myself no alcohol but one little glass can’t hurt, right? After testing the temperature with my finger tips I cautiously sat on the edge the bathtub. I let out a pained yelp as my blistering left foot made contact with the liquid. Holy Mother of Mary that stung like a bitch! Tears clouded my vision from the stinging pain of having just one foot in the scorching water. I was more than apprehensive about my other aching limb following! Bracing myself for the next surge of agony I lifted my other leg up and let my foot dangle just above the water. The pain from my first foot was fading but I was still uncertain. Oh for gods sake pull yourself together woman! You’ve been through worse! And my conscience was right, as it always is. So bracing myself for the next shockwave of agony I let my foot slip into the water. A waterfall of obscenities cascade from my mouth in an endless tidal wave. Dear me that hurt! To let myself grow accustom to the discomfort I sat on the edge of the bath just thinking.

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