Prologue / Chapter one | The Storm Is Approaching.

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Pre-chapter notes*
Do not worry friends, I am just rewording this story, yes, I said I am keeping it the way it is, I am just correcting some mistake that I and Wattpad somehow made.

Washington D.C. North America.
The White House, the symbol of power within the U.S. The capital building where the president reside and control the country. The current president. John C. Halon, and he cabinet, are currently in a meeting.

"That's all for this months report Mr. President, our ratings are getting higher with these improvements to the economy." The secretary of the treasury stated, placing down the documents on the polished wooden table.

John nodded, pleased by his plan coming to fruition in the second year of his term, if this continues he will improve the American economy while set on winning the next election.

"Good," he replied picking up a mug filled with coffee, "next will be the military, and get everything set for the coming years," he whispers after sipping on his mug, he does not know the military economy and politics very well, he may need help to plan his actions regarding them. But that is for later, right now he needs to take things one at a time.

"Well gentlemen, looks like our meeting has reach it's conclusion? You are now dismissed." he spoke putting down the half empty mug. The cabinet members nodded and stood in sync. They are about to leave when a phone call stopped them.

Pulling the phone from his pocket and placing it near near his ear, the cabinet member and The Secretary of Homeland Defense. Kyle S. Ausburn, is responsible for the military's action's when crisis strike the U.S.

"Hello? This is Ausburn speaking," he spoke before letting the voice take it's turn, "yes, we have just finish the meeting and we are about to leave - " he stopped when the voice told him something, something he does not like one bit. "Alright, thank you for the report, I'll go tell him right way."

Kyle shut off his phone and looks over to John with a worried expression on his face. "Mr. President, Atlanta is under attacked."

City of Atlanta, Georgia. North America.
The once peaceful streets of Atlanta, now stricken by the carnage of war as piles of cars and dead lay littered everywhere. Gun fire from local resistance and the attacking army echoes around neighborhoods, sending absolute fear to the local populace.

A man in cladded in Confederate uniform stood under the flag his distaste the most, "those freedom loving pigs," he spoke, ordering the flag to be brought down and burnt before walking away.

The soldiers clad in similar clothes heed his command, quickly pull the flag down with force before throwing it at a nearby burning wreck. The commander didn't bother to gaze at the burning flag, but listened to his soldiers cheer as they watch the flag burn.

But what he is interested in, is a giant multi-story building made up of some kind of stone, and near translucent glass. They fired a volley at the building before tearing the flag down, the glass shattered near instantly, and the stone expectedly withstood the onslaught. But what follows are still fresh within his memory; his soldiers, acting as scouts went near the freshly shattered glass wall, not expecting a volley of hell slamming straight onto their face and upper torso. Foreign the remaining to retreat quickly.

Suddenly, a soldier quickly ran up to him, "general! our forces have reported a mob of men in strange outfits marching our way, some at the front are starting to worry of being overwhelmed."

The commander stared at the soldier before blinking, something is not right, first is the bright flash that got them here, then this? Is this some kind of fictional story? He pondered on his situation, the strangeness of this is holding him back, but he needs to lead his men, but what is he suppose to do?

Just then, he heard something in the distant, a low thumping nosie, like drums of war marching through the air, with each short but continuos thump getting closer.

Then, like out of some kind of action film, three rotary aircrafts pop into view, the giant blades on top spin quickly through the air, it's black, smooth yet blocky body flies near them unfazed and almost menacingly. The commander, along with his men, stare at the machines in awe, almost entranced by it.

Then, out of nowhere, a voice spoke, "this is the United American Army, heed this warning, surrender or face fierce force."

The voice then repeated again as the machine of war pass by above them, sending rushes of wind at them, seemingly ignore them or is too focused on yelling loudly at them.

At first, the general and his men where confused by its words, forcing them to listen to it closely, but as soon as it speaks the name of the north, fear starts to slowly sink in. Then panic of realization start to take control.

"It's like the god's has side with the enemy" the commander uttered with fear as he look at the machine, his troops now fully panicking around him.

It was like a fever dream, or something out of a writer, who no longer holds any sanity to write logical stories.

"Chivalry 1-1, what do you think of the situation so far?" The radio of the attack helicopter light up with a question from Chivalry 1-4.

Chivalry 1-1 pounders on the question for a few minutes before answering, "when I heard that some lunatics in confederate army cosplay were attacking civilians, I would have gone back to sleep thinking it was a dream. But seeing the shit down there was something else."

"Speak for you're self," Chivalry 1-2 and Chivalry 1-1's wing woman replied "I didn't even want to understand who in their right mind would attack civilians!"

"Many." Replies Chivalry 1-3.

With that, silence settled with the rest of the flight back to base, they went pass another Apache squadron, armed heavily to the teeth, heading to where they came from.

Chivalry 1-3 noticed the armaments, "Looks like shit went south quicker after we left." He nonchalantly commented, Chivalry 1-1 sighed.

Half an hour later, all four Apache's descend on to the tarmac of one of the near by air bases. Then, as soon as the vertical rotors slow to a near stop, the weapons loader dash up to the helicopters to attach proper armaments to the pylons.

Then the officer assigned to their unit walk up with a grim expression. "Command ordered you folks to take the fire this time, now there are more of those cosplayers across the city."

Outskirts of Atlanta, North Georgia. North America.
In route 19, southern side of the town of Dawsonville, a line of M60 Patton's, their engines emitting low humming before awaking with a roar.

"It's been a long time since these things has seen the road huh!" The driver shouted, revving the engine of the beast.

"Yeah!" the loader shouted a reply, finding it hard to speak without proper radio equipment. On his hand is a checklist of ammunition's for the tank. The commander was staring at the man, near dumbfounded by his forgetfulness, eyeing the headphones around his neck.

"Alright!" a voice suddenly roars from the communication device of the tank, "we got almost a dozen rouge cosplayers in Atlanta causing a massive shit storm!" The voice explained as horn bleared.

"We are to make a dash to the city and get a foot hold before the fly boy's get there and drop the Ranger's off, after that, we push the enemy into an encirclement." The summery of the debrief lasted for thirty minutes, then the engines of the remaining offline tanks roared to life, as the national guards who hop off their designated vehicle hop back on, ready to take back Atlanta.

The go is given in a form of a shout from the radio.

"TIME TO TAKE BACK ATLANTA BOY'S!" Shouted the Lieutenant Colonel at the commander's hatch.

To be continued*

Post story notes*
The words have been extended! Anyways, no, not much changes, but better grammar and smoother story telling! Also, as some of you can see, yes I did listen to those who pointed out the mistakes. But enough of that. Arc One Update! I have already planned the first part of Arc, and here is a hint: Island War.

Thank you for reading!

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