Prologue/ Chapter Four | Bombardment Group

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Atlantic Ocean.
The whirring buzz of the four Wright R-1820 Cyclone engine is all Elaine Spotswood could hear. His co-pilot, David is informing him of the statues of all four engines of the bomber. Outside, is the endless azure blue of the ocean dominates. Which is the opposite of where he came from. High above the European Plains, where he and his comrades were on a bombing run on a German industrial-city.

The bomber rattles against the fierce winds as he fights back with everything he has.

"Engine's one through four are in good condition, Spotswood sir." David looks over to him, "We are ready to ascend."

Elaine nodded before pulling on the flight stick, urging his giant metallic bird to fly higher. David then proceed to do a rundown on the conditions of the other systems on the flight panel.

Elaine heard David hum, "Looks like we have a full tank." The man spoke in a uncertain tune.

Spotswood levels the aircraft before looking at the fuel gauge, which is showing a full tank. Which is unlikely due to them being flying for over three hours after take off from Framlingham.

Letting David take control of the flight controls, he then tap on the gauge, making sure it wasn't faulty. After a couple of taps and confirming that they are indeed full of fuel.

"At least it's better then empty!" A voice belonging to waist gunner Jefferson shouted from his position. Which Elaine agreed.

A man walks into the cabin, his face shows an expression of urgency, "sir, we got an incoming transmission from the three' hundred and ninety bombardment group."

Waiting for Elaine to acknowledge the radio operators voice, he continues, "they are requesting for the ninety fifth and them to form up into a giant cluster, but separated into groups that are in a appropriate distance so they won't accidentally crash into each other."

Elaine contemplate the suggestion, letting his mind weigh the pros and the cons. If done effectively, it reinforces the formation, and the separated groups allow for relative fire cover when a hostile come in contact with them.

"Perfect idea, contact the others and tell them we are reforming with the three hundred and ninety bombardment group." Elaine responded with an order, keeping his eye on the sky outside the windshield.

The radio operator salutes, turns around and walks out. Leaving to radio the other bombers. Leaving the two pilots to fly the bird that's keeping them alive above the vast blue bellow.

Joshua Wills, the tail gunner of Elaine's leading B17, tries his best to keep his mouth shut as he view the magnificent show of for force by the his bombardment group's formation. The 390th has recently convergence with their bombardment group to form up with them, the 35th bombers made way for the newly arrivals before forming into smaller groups and spreading out.

This accidental show of American might has given him the shivers despite being an American himself.

Suddenly a shout erupted from behind him.

"We got transmission from bombardment groups one through fifty! They are requesting for formation and a sit-rep!" The radio operator screamed.

Mike, also known as Lapdog watches the unbelievable scene in front of him, a massive formation of giant propeller driven aircrafts soar high with grace, flying above the clouds seemingly unmatched.

"Risky, are you seeing this?" He utters to his wingman.

His wingman Rick, also known as Risky Rook, uttered words inaudible to him, but he knew he too is in awe of the sight in front of them. Currently, he and his wingman are patrolling the Eastern United States coast after the general of the army called for emergency protocol, they have sent near thousands of soldiers to the South, many airman were also sent to the on going battle for Atlanta, acting as either air command centers, communication transmitters and simply CAS. While many others are assigned to patrol the coastlines and many other things to keep the nations safe from foreign hostiles.

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