Prologue / Chapter Seven

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"They're hiding behind the semi!" The U.S. Marine Lieutenant shouted.

The U.S. Marine Lieutenant and his squad, along with some Great War era soldiers, were stuck behind abandoned cars and trucks. A volley of metallic balls coming from the semi-trailer truck hit their shields denting the vehicles.

"Good gracious!" A Great War soldier shouted, instinctively using his vacant arm to cover his face.

"HQ, this is Seagulls! We need armored support ASAP!" The U.S. Marine Lieutenant shouted into his radio.

"This is HQ. The nearest armor is the 24th Machanized Company. They are en route to you now; ETA in 30 minutes." A reply came from the device.

The U.S. Marine Lieutenant barked, "We need it now!" As the device went static.

Another volley hit the vehicles, forcing everyone to dock down to avoid any possible shrapnel.

Thus, the Great War soldiers and U.S. Marines then begin to hesitantly wait for back up to arrive.

28 minutes away from the pinned-down unit, the 24th Machanized Company were racing to reach them.

"Listen up! Once we reach the pinned-down forces, I want the first and second squads to disembark and help relieve the soldiers' stock on the road!" The Company Commander, Captain Luke H. Herly ordered.

A collective 'aye' was heard from the radio he was holding.

The bradley suddenly came to a halt, sending the Captain slamming into the wall of the Infantry Fighting Vehicle.

His vision was blerry, and his mind was in a daze. The impact of his head hitting the metal wall gave him the worst headache since he assumed command of this unit.

"What the hell, Fred!" he shouted at the driver, knowing full well the idiot wouldn't hear him. But to his surprise, the driver did hear him.

"Sorry, Capt! There's a road block up ahead!" the driver replied.

Outside of the vehicle, a group of cars and trucks had somehow managed to pile themselves up, creating a massive wall blocking the entire road.

The commands hatch of the front bradley opens, and out comes Captain Herly, absolutely furious. He then begins to bark like a mad, rabid hound who had just found a human within its territory.

"What the hell happened here?! How the fuck did these fucking cars end up like this?!"

Unfortunately, his words fell to deaf ears as gunner of the bradley he was on suggested to blow it sky high with the gun.

The captain's barking went silent as the entire unit within the bradley glanced at the man like he was nuts.

The gunner felt the stares behind him, "What...?"

Herly himself was thinking of the idea. He looked to the other bradleys behind his, then back to the pile of scrap im front of him.

He decided, "You know what? Sure!"

The gunner looked at the commander, who had just given him permission to fire as many shells into the pile as possible. Without even replying, the gunner silently agreed to his own suggestion and aimed the gun.

Capt. Herly ordered, "Fire!"

The 20mm automatic cannon roared to life as the gunner slowly moved it, ensuring the entire wall was hit.

Rounds pierced the vehicles, decimating whatever was within the pile and behind it.

After a minute of emtying the Bradley's ammo supply and heat the gun to the point where it might detonate the round loaded before it even fires. The wall of vehicles were now, for simplicities sake, utterly fucked.

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